Home Blog Cressey on Demeanor

Cressey on Demeanor

Written on June 14, 2007 at 2:51 am, by Eric Cressey

If you don’t love what you’re doing, find something else. Be enthusiastic; you can’t teach passion. If you love this, act like it and have some fun! You’ll be amazed at how your athletes and clients get excited when YOU get excited. And, if you’re just training for you, you’ll be amazed at how much better you progress when you find something that excites you. Going to train should never be an undesirable experience; if it is, you need to shuffle things up.

Eric Cressey

Have you ever wondered what separates the average coaches from the best of the best?

One Response to “Cressey on Demeanor”

  1. Chris Says:

    Eric this is so true my friend. The most successful coach/trainer I know actually doesn’t know a whole lot about exercise (compared to most) but he sure as a hell is passionate and excited all the time and he knows how to get other people excited. Just being around him and his passion brings everyone else up.

    On the other hand I know a ton of trainers who really know their stuff when it comes to exercise science and application, yet they couldn’t motivate Richard Simmons in a room full of fat ladies.

    I think it’s the balance of knowing your stuff, helping others and being passionate about it. That combo wins every time.

    Thanks for the great blog

    Chris McCombs

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