Home Blog So You Want to be a Personal Trainer?

So You Want to be a Personal Trainer?

Written on February 3, 2011 at 6:44 am, by Eric Cressey

New content on the way tomorrow, but in the interim, I got a kick out of this and figured some of you could use a good laugh today:

The good news is that I have related posts that will actually help you in the process!  Check them out:

Want to be a Personal Trainer or Strength Coach?  Start Here.

7 Steps for Attacking Continuing Education in the Fitness Industry

The Most Important Thing for Rookie Trainers

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7 Responses to “So You Want to be a Personal Trainer?”

  1. Fredrik Gyllensten Says:

    Haha, great one!

  2. Lee Christmas Says:

    HA! this is hilarious! And the sad part is some people think and train like this!

  3. Andrew Says:

    please choke on your google workout printouts-exactly, haha. thanks for the morning pick up

  4. James Says:

    Awesome, that cracked me up! Unfortunately it is all too true!

  5. Lisa Says:

    That is a great video! The truly funny part is that some trainers really do work that way. You really need to do your homework when hiring a trainer these days. Thanks for the great post.

  6. Brian Crager Says:

    These skits may cut into my CP reading time…all the AT’s should see this one “Athletic trainer vs female college athlete.” Can’t wait for the new stuff!

  7. Chris Melton Says:

    That is toooo funny!!

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