Home Articles The Cheat to Lose Diet

The Cheat to Lose Diet

Written on August 14, 2007 at 2:06 pm, by Eric Cressey

Back in the spring of 2001, I got an email from some guy named Joel Marion. At the time, I was a whopping 19 years old, and he and I had a few mutual friends who thought it would be a good idea for the two of us to get in touch.

Apparently, we were both up-and-comers in this “biz” as evidenced by the fact that we spent a lot more time lifting weights, posting on training/nutrition forums, and reading everything in sight than all our peers, who were busy boozing themselves into oblivion.

It was somewhat of an ordinary introduction email, but the signature line was what got my attention (and not for the reason you might think):

Joel Marion
2001 Body-for-Life Grand Champion, Ages 18-25

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2 Responses to “The Cheat to Lose Diet”

  1. Pitambharadharaya Says:

    Losing weight is definetly hard work.I use to overeat,but have found alot of strenght in keeping it under control.Since then, the feeling of success I felt by sticking to my plan to loose weight and stop over eating, has kept me motivated.

  2. kalencannon Says:

    loved this! i personally have tried and failed to achieve my ideal body many times throughout my life until i understood and applied the major role food plays into life long success. I just recently began personal training (certified through NASM) and would love to share this article/book with my clients. the only question i had (and i may have just skipped over this answer accidentally) was exactly when should the cheat day be? once a week? or…?

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