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Understanding Elbow Pain – Part 1: Functional Anatomy

Today's piece kicks off a multi-part series focusing specifically on the elbow.  I'm going to start off this collection by talking about the anatomy of the elbow joint, but in appreciation of the fact that a lot of you are probably not as geeky as I am, I'll give you the Cliff's Notes version first: The elbow is the most "claustrophobic" joint in the body; there is a lot of stuff crammed into very little space.  This madness is governed not just by the joint itself, but (like we know with all joints) by the needs of the forearm/wrist and what goes on at the shoulder and neck. Even for the geeks out there, in the interest of keeping this thing "on schedule," I'm just going to focus on your pertinent information.  I would highly recommend The Athlete's Elbow to those of you interested in learning more; it's insanely detailed. Your big players on the osseous (bone) front are going to be the humerus, ulna, and radius.  At the humerus, in the context of this discussion, all you really just need to pay attention to are the medial and lateral epicondyles, as they are crucial attachment points for both tendons and ligaments (as well as sites of stress fractures in younger athletes).


Posteriorly, you'll see that olecranon process of the ulna sits right in the olecranon fossa of the humerus.  This is a pretty significant region, as it gives the elbow its "hinge" properties and prevents elbow hyperextension.  Fractures of the olecranon can occur and leave loose bodies in the joint that will prevent full elbow extension.  And, not to be overlooked is the attachment site of the triceps (via a common tendon) and anconeus on the olecranon process.


The "elbow" may just be a hinge to the casual observer, but in my eyes, it's important to distinguish among the humeroulnar joint (described above) and the humeroradial (pivot) and proximal radioulnar joints - which give rise to pronation and supination.


Likewise, the wrist (and the fingers, for that matter) is directly impacted in flexion/extension, radial deviation/ulnar deviation, and pronation/supination by muscles that actually attach as far "north" as the humerus.  Muscles aren't just working in one plane of motion; they're working for or against multiple motions in multiple planes.

In all, you have 16 muscles crossing the elbow.  For those counting at home, that's more than you'll find at another "hinge" joint, the knee, in spite of the fact that the knee is a much bigger joint mandating more stability.  More muscles equates to more tendons, and that's where things get interesting.

As any good manual therapist, and he'll tell you that soft tissue restrictions occur predominantly at: A.       Areas of increased friction between muscles/tendons B.       Areas where forces generated by a myofascial unit come together (termed "Zones of Convergence" by myofascial researcher Luigi Stecco): this is generally the muscle-tendon-bone "connection," as you don't typically see prominent restrictions in the mid-belly of a muscle. This is a double whammy for the muscles acting at the elbow.  In terms of A, you have many muscles in a small area.  Most folks overlook the importance of B, though: a lot of them share a common (or at least directly adjacent) attachment point.  The flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, and flexor digitorum superficialis all attach video the common flexor tendon on the medial epicondyle, with the pronator teres attaching just a tiny bit superiorly.  There's ball of crap #1.


Ball of crap #2 occurs at the lateral epicondyle, where you have the common extensor tendon, which is shared by extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, supinator, extensor digitorum, and extensor digiti minimi - with the extensor carpi radialis longus attaching just superiorly on the lateral supracondylar ridge.  Ball of crap #3 can be found posteriorly, where the three heads of the triceps converge to attach on the olecranon process via a common tendon, with the much smaller anconeus running just lateral to the olecranon process. You can see both balls of crap (double flusher?) coming together here:


Ball of crap #4 is a bit more diffuse consisting of the attachments of biceps brachii (radial tuberosity), brachioradialis (radial/styloid process), and brachialis (coronoid process of ulna) on the anterior aspect of the forearm.


This last graphic demonstrates that there are a few other factors to consider in this already jam-packed area.  You've got fascia condensing things further, and you've also got a blood supply and nerve innervations - most significantly, the ulnar, median, and radial nerves - passing through here. The median nerve, for instance, passes directly through the pronator teres muscle.

Oh, and you've also got ligaments mixed in - some of which are attaching on the very same regions that tendons are attaching.  The ulnar collateral ligament attaches on the medial epicondyle in close proximity to the flexors and pronator teres, for instance.  These ligaments are heavily reliant on soft tissue function to stay healthy.  As an example, flexor carpi ulnaris is going to be your biggest "protector" of the UCL during the throwing motion.


So what's the take-home message of this functional anatomy lesson?  Well, there are several.

1. Lots of stuck is packed in a very small area.

2. When things are stuck together, they form dense, fibrotic, nasty balls of crud.

3. These gunked up muscles/tendons can impact everything from nerve function to ligamentous integrity - or they can just give out in the form of a tear or tendinopathy.

4. Diagnosis can be tricky because all the potential issues take place in a small area, and may have very similar symptoms.  Different pathologies take place in different athletic populations, too.  We'll have more on this in Understanding Elbow Pain - Part 2: Pathology.

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Random Friday Thoughts: 4/24/09

1. It's been a crazy week ever since Anna and I got engaged on Sunday.  You never truly realize how many people you know until they all try to email/call/text you at once to say congratulations.  With my cell phone and email inbox going crazy, I kind of felt like Jerry Maguire - minus the whole weird scientology and jumping on Oprah's couch stuff. 2. On Wednesday, I got out to watch two high school games where CP athletes pitched, and then headed to Fenway to watch the Sox beat the Twins.  In Game 1, Weston High Sahil Bloom had a no-hitter through 6 2/3 innings before giving up a bloop single, and then Auburn High's Tyler Beede threw six innings. 3. Next week, I'll be publishing the first installment of a collection of nutrition articles from Eric Talmant.  Eric has some very forward-thinking ideas to share, and it'll make a nice weekly addition to EricCressey.com.  Be sure to check them out. 4. I'm getting really excited for this year's Perform Better Summits.  I'll be speaking in Providence, RI and Long Beach, CA (there is also one in Chicago); I'd definitely encourage you to check the events out if you live in that neck of the woods.  My presentations should question the "diagnostic norms" - in much the same way that I did with this week's newsletter. 5. Speaking of newsletters, I got several inquiries after I ran this one about the medicine ball training we do with our pitchers. In particular, folks were curious about the medicine ball we used in drills like this:

The medicine balls in question can be found HERE.

6. I've written quite a bit in the past about how a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit can be one contributing factor (among others) to medial elbow injuries in overhead throwing athletes.  The other day, someone asked me if I had any scientific evidence to support this idea.  The answer would be a resounding YES.

Very simply, if you lack internal rotation, you'll go to the elbow to "regain" that lost range-of-motion.  It's the same reason that ankle mobility deficits can lead to knee pain, and hip mobility deficits can lead to knee and lower back pain.

7. I don't really "get" how this whole Delicious bookmarking thing works, but Jon Boyle (who helps out with the blog) recommended I start sending him recommendations of good stuff I've read.  You can find some of my recommended reading/viewing off to the right-hand side of the page.  If there are books you recommend I check out, by all means, please post suggestions in the comments to these blogs; I'm always looking for new reading material.

Have a great weekend!

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