3 Corrective Exercise Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Thought you all might be interested in a recent interview I did for Rick Kaselj of ExerciseForInjuries.com:

3 Corrective Exercise Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

For more details on some of the concepts I discuss, I’d encourage you to check out Assess & Correct.

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Consistently applying the information on this DVD for a few minutes each day should help anyone remain limber and injury free for a long time. Not only does it show you what to do in terms of fixing your problems, but it also shows you how to assess where you’re at in terms of muscle balance and flexibility, so you can see how you’re improving or regressing in those areas over time and in what areas you might need more work.

It definitely makes a great addition to anyone’s training library.

-Kelly Baggett
