7 Reasons to Buy Show and Go Before Midnight Tonight

About the Author: Eric Cressey

In lieu of my normal “Random Friday Thoughts” blog, I thought I’d use this morning’s post to highlight why you ought to purchase Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better today.


1. The most obvious reason, of course, is that at midnight tonight, the early bird discount (40% off) ends.  Forever.  There won’t be any of this “our system was maxed out, so we’re extending the sale by 2 days because I really care about you, friend!”  You know you’ve all heard it before – but you won’t hear it here.

2. To follow up on that one, let’s be honest: I’m not really sure if you’re my “friend.”  You could be a crazy internet person, for all I know.  In fact, many of you probably are – and acquiring a program like Show and Go could be really good for you to attend to your social awkwardness by heading to the gym to do the program and, in the process, meet some new people.  You might even get diesel and attract a member of the opposite sex, settle down with them, and name your first child “Eric Cressey.”  No pressure on that one, though.

3.  The feedback thus far from customers has been excellent.  In addition to all the testimonials you’ll see from the “guinea pigs” I put through the program, I’ve gotten some immediate one from people who have purchased the program via email; here’s one quick example that just came in this morning.

“Eric, I’ve just purchased Show and Go. Have started to use this straight away, and can definitely say that it makes training and writing programs for clients very easy and effective especially with the massive data base available. Plus all the add-ons from the other coaches – such as conditioning and glute exercises – are awesome.” – Chris Carter

4. At first glance, this simply looks like one demonstration from the huge Show and Go video library (don’t worry; trap bar deadlifts are not mandatory).

However, if you look closely, what’s going on in the background is possibly more significant.  You’ll see a few of my pro baseball guys starting up their sessions with foam rolling and mobility warm-ups.  Most of these guys are just now arriving for their off-season training – as the product is released.  In other words, this video was filmed back in February or so – which tells you that it literally took seven months (an entire professional baseball season) to bring this sucker to market because we spent so much time tinkering with it and trying to make it perfect (and putting a host of people through it as a pilot program over a four-month period).  In a day and age when some folks are kicking out new products each week, you have my word that this is not a fly-by-night operation; we invested a lot of time, thought, and energy into making this something of which we could be really proud.


5.  On the financial side of things, I’m getting married next weekend…and it would be nice to use this book to pay for a wedding, honeymoon, and protective helmet to wear for the rest of my life.  Just kidding, honey!

6. On a more urgent note, tomorrow night is my bachelor party – and we’re going to need bail money to get Tony out of prison after he’s incarcerated for causing a scene at the casino when he realizes that they only serve free alcohol – and not almond milk – at the blackjack tables.

7. One afternoon earlier this week, just for the heck of it, I counted the professional baseball players in our facility.  There were 12 – two Royals, one Blue Jay, one National, four Braves, one Met, two A’s, and one Tiger – and this is just minor leaguers, without the major league season even having wrapped up.  All told, we’ll be over 40 professionals from all over the country.  This is not to blow sunshine up my own butt; it’s to make a very important point: I actually train people six days a week.  I write a ton of programs, do a ton of evaluations, and love to coach.  And all this give me a great perspective from which to program for the “masses” – as I see everything from 10-year-olds to 70-year-olds in just about every athletic and weekend warrior population.

This shouldn’t even be something I have to mention, but I do – because you’d be surprised how many people write and sell programs when they aren’t out there seeing it first hand.  Theories are all well and good, but the best programs are rooted in principles that have proven effective time and time again in the real world.

Give it a shot; you’ve got nothing to lose: www.ShowandGoTraining.com.
