How to Deadlift When You Can’t Pull from the Floor with Good Form

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It goes without saying that I’m a big fan of deadlift variations, as they’re among the most “big-bang” exercises you can do to get a ton of return on your training “investment.” That said, not everyone can conventional deadlift safely from the floor because of mobility restrictions or the way they’re built. With that in mind, I thought I’d outline some solutions to this common deadlift technique problem in today’s blog. This post is actually modified from the Show and Go main guide, which features a comprehensive exercise modifications chapter for those with limitations along these lines.

The solution to this dilemma is actually a multi-faceted one. First, if you aren’t deadlifting barefoot or in flat-soled sneakers, start; it’ll make a big difference in your ability to get down to the bar.

For those looking for a specific recommendation, I’m a big fan of the New Balance Minimus for those who can’t go barefoot in the gym.

Second, if you’re basing your frustrations on your conventional deadlift mobility, try sumo deadlifts to see if things improve. I’ve found that many individuals with longer femurs can sumo deadlift without a problem, but conventional deadlifts give them fits. Effectively, with a sumo deadlift, you pull between your legs instead of over the top/outside of them.

In reality, for these folks, we use rack pull, trap bar, and sumo deadlift variations – but rarely (if ever) conventional deadlifting from the floor. They need to work on deadlift technique a lot before they get to this final progression.

Third, if moving to a different deadlift variation doesn’t help, simply elevate the bar on risers or plates to the point where you can position yourself in the bottom position without a rounded back.

Work on building up your strength from this position and attack your mobility warm-ups with consistency, and you’ll find that you’ll be able to work your way down to the floor eventually.

Also, one more important note I should make is that just being able to get down to the floor with good posture does not mean that you actually have good deadlift technique. It takes time to integrate this mobility as part of a proper deadlift – and this is done with submaximal loading, not just jumping to 500 pounds. So, start with lighter weights and gradually work your way up. I really like speed work in the 40-60% of 1RM zone as a teaching tool for “aspiring” conventional deadlifters. Do 6-10 sets of 1-3 reps.

Give these tips a try and you’ll be deadlifting in one form or another safely for the long haul! And, don’t forget to check out Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better, a great resource for those looking to clean up their deadlift technique and start moving some bigger weights.
