Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 4/18/13

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here’s this week’s list of recommended strength and conditioning reading:

Elite Training Mentorship – My in-service this month talked a lot about the business of fitness and how we developed our baseball niche. I also uploaded a few articles and exercise demonstrations to complement the contributions from the rest of the ETM crew. If you aren’t checking this great resource out yet, do so!


Fascinating Facts About Sleep – This was a fantastic piece by TC Luoma at T-Nation about the importance of sleep – and you’ll definitely learn something.

Foam Rolling and Increased Joint ROM – This was a study summary from Patrick Ward. It’s a great read for those who are skeptical of the benefits of foam rolling.

Also, in light of this week’s tragedy in Boston, I’d call this a must-view video. It’s the moment of silence, video tribute, and national anthem from before the first Boston Bruins game after the event.
