Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 5/21/13

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here’s this week’s list of recommended strength and conditioning reading:

Post Rehab Essentials Version 2.0 – Dean Somerset just released this today and it’s excellent. Candidly, I didn’t get a chance to start it until Sunday night, so I’m only partway through. I’ll be writing up a review of it as soon as I can find some time to finish up with it. The first edition was very good, and this new version has fantastic content as well. Dean is a super bright guy who kind of flies under the radar, but you’d be wise to check it out, especially since you can get CEUs for it.


The Food Freak Show – Brian St. Pierre wrote up this article for T-Nation on where our food production industry is headed. The article is based on a presentation he gave at last year’s CP Fall Seminar, and you can actually listen to it here, too.

Breathing Pattern Disorders – This was an excellent recap Mike Reinold wrote up after a small seminar with Leon Chaitow. Chaitow is one of the best manual therapists on the planet, and in this review, Mike discusses his approaches to the assessment and treatment of breathing pattern disorders.
