Mobility Exercise of the Week: Prisoner Lunge Walk with Pec Stretch

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Those of you who have followed along with my “Exercise of the Week” series probably can tell by now that I’m a fan of “big bang for your buck” exercises. This isn’t just limited to multi-joint strength exercises like deadlifts, bench presses, lunges, squats, overhead presses, chin-ups, and rows, though. Rather, it can also apply to mobility exercises because – let’s face it – single-joint warm-ups are boring and take too long. Here’s one mobility warm-up drill we’ll use to improve thoracic mobility and pec length while opening up the hips. Simultaneously, you’re training the anterior core to resist excessive lumbar extension (arching at the lower back).

For the throwers out there reading this post, be sure to avoid really cranking those elbows back; chances are you already have plenty of range-of-motion. Just focus more on resisting the excessive arching of the lumbar spine.

Looking for more great mobility drills like this? Check out Assess and Correct: Breaking Barriers to Unlock Performance.

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