6 Key Qualities for Long-Term Athletic Development

About the Author: Eric Cressey

This past week was the 2014 Major League Baseball Draft, and we watched the three days excitedly, as 18 Cressey Sports Performance athletes were selected – including six of the top 100 picks. Among these 18 picks, there were actually several kids who spent their entire high school careers training with us, and one even started with us in middle school. With these guys in mind, I got to thinking a lot about factors I believe helped them to be successful over the long haul. Here are a few that came to mind:

1. They were all multi-sport athletes for at least part of high school.

There’s a common misconception that professional athletes have been destined to be professional athletes from the time that they were six years old, so that should be all they should do. It’s simply not the case. Time and time again, when I ask our pro guys what sports they played growing up, they share that they did everything. In this group of draft picks, we had basketball captains, great golfers, a D1-caliber football quarterback, a potential NHL draft pick, a long snapper, and one that even started out as a better tennis player, then switched over to baseball. The point? You have to be a good athlete before you can be a good baseball player.

Where does strength and conditioning fit in? Well, to some degree, I see it as another sport that guys can play even after they specialize. Among other things, it affords them the variety they lose in their daily movement patterns.

2. They were “likable” guys and could roll with different social circles.

This might sound weird, but I think the ability to make friends easily is important for long-term athletic success. If you’re someone who can’t get along easily with others, you’ll always be distracted in a team environment, and never able to put full focus on training. Unless they’re unbelievably skilled, the guys who say and do the wrong things invariably wind up weeding themselves out.

As a funny example, check out this video of Adam Ravenelle and Tyler Beede. They first met and became friends in 2008 at Cressey Sports Performance. They were from different towns, but actually both wound up committing to Vanderbilt in 2010.

Both were drafted out of high school, but chose to honor their commitments to Vanderbilt – where they were roommates. And, look who was sitting next to Ty as his name was called in the first round of the draft last week:

Adam was drafted in the 4th round a day later, and I know Ty was his biggest fan. Both these guys made friends easily, and it allowed them to benefit more from the environments they were in. They could bounce ideas off of big leaguers who trained at the facility, find throwing and lifting partners to push them. Perhaps most importantly, their likable demeanors made it possible to treat CSP as an “escape” for a few hours when other parts of their lives were distracting or chaotic. When you’re a self-centered ego-maniac jerk, you can never escape. With few exceptions, you have to be a good person before you can be a good baseball player.

3. They wanted to be part of something bigger.

One of our 18 players came from a troubled family life about which few people know, and it was a huge step for him to fill us in on the struggles with which he’d dealt. As a sophomore in high school, he did his initial evaluation with Brian St. Pierre (our first employee). About a year later, Brian moved to Maine to go back to school, and the athlete opened up to me about how bummed out he was about it because Brian was one of the few who “knew his story.” In short, the coaches at CSP had become more of an extended family than just a bunch of coaches.

Since then, he’s been one our biggest advocates, referring several teammates from high school, summer, and college ball to train at Cressey Sports Performance. Much like he’s always been a great teammate on the baseball field, he’s been a valued part of the CSP Family. You have to be a good teammate before you can be a good baseball player.


4. They never put the carriage in front of the horse.

Looking back on the initial evaluation day for each of these athletes, I can honestly say that not a single one of them ever told me that professional baseball was their goal. As an interesting story, I’ll never forget the day I evaluated Forrest Wall, the 35th overall pick this year by the Rockies. It was literally weeks before I had any idea that Forrest was a very established prospect – and I only found out that was the case when someone else “in the know” encouraged me to look him up in more detail. Here was a family that had every reason to brag about how talented their son was, and they went out of their way to avoid it, staying incredible humble the entire time.


Had they told him and everyone around him how great he was all along, would have ended up with the same outstanding character and work ethic that he has today? And, would he have been drafted the other night? It’s impossible to say, but what I can tell you that my experience has been that there is generally an inverse relationship between how much a parent brags about his kid, and how hard that kid works.

Looking at our 18 guys, I can honestly say that on their first day at CSP, some didn’t even comment that they wanted to play college baseball (even though it was obvious they did). Rather, they all talked about wanting to be bigger, stronger, healthier, or something to that effect. They wanted to find the means to their ends – but not talk about the ends. You’ve got to be patient, humble, and process-driven before you can be a good baseball player.

5. They all were very consistent.

This is something I really noticed in hindsight. This collection of guys were always good about getting their training in not only during the off-season, but during the in-season period as well. It’s always frustrating when guys put in great work in the off-season, only to put it on cruise control during the season, which inevitably leads to them coming back lighter and weaker at the end of the long season; it’s just one step forward, and one step back. For these guys, they were at least maintaining – but more often than not, improving during the season. Slow and steady improvements with no hiccups is the name of the game. With such a long competitive season and challenging calendar, you’ve got to make taking care of your body an “all the time” job to be a good baseball player.

6. They came from strong developmental programs.

While there are a lot of tremendous coaches involved with these 18 players, I want to highlight the one with which I’m the most familiar: Sudbury, MA. In Adam Ravenelle (4th round), Carl Anderson (19th round), and Billy Bereszniewicz (30th round), Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School had three players drafted – all after successful Division 1 Baseball careers. While there may be a few other high schools schools in the country who can boast this, I doubt they’re in northern states, where the talent may be thinned out from lacrosse or hockey.

It starts with good feeder programs at the youth levels; Sudbury Little League does a good job of emphasizing development over winning and showcasing talent, and kids don’t show up to high school overused or injured. In high school, these three played for Kirk Fredericks, one of the best coaches I’ve seen at any level of baseball. He hammers home fundamentals, respects the game, and establishing a culture of winning (13 of the last 14 league titles, with three state championships worked in). Perhaps most importantly, the accountability he emphasizes prepares kids for college ball – or whatever the next step in their journey is. At the end of his freshman year of college, one of them actually said to me, “I never really appreciated how good Coach Fredericks was until I got to college and felt more prepared than everyone around me.” That’s what good coaches do; make it about the team by patiently cultivating habits in impressionable young minds over the long haul.


These three also played for the New England Ruffnecks, one of the premier baseball organizations in the country, and certainly the Northeast. Again, the emphasis is development and playing challenging teams to get kids out of their comfort zones. They aren’t just trying to rack up an impressive win-loss record or accumulate trophies. And, the trains always run on time, so players know what is expected of them.

It all comes down to clear and consistent messages. Everyone these guys played for expected quality effort from them every time out, and these coaches all modeled positive behavior. You can’t expect kids to develop when coaches show up late, smoke butts in the parking lot, cheat on their wives, and completely disrespect the game. It’s about habits more than it is outcomes, so you have to make sure the right person is teaching those habits. You have to be around good people with good skill sets before you can be a good baseball player.


What you might have noticed is that all of these key qualities related to habits and not outcomes. It’s not just about being able to deadlift 400 pounds or long toss 300 feet; it’s about having the traits that allow for consistent, high-quality effort in the right environments to make the most of the coaching you have at your fingertips, and the natural abilities with which you’ve been blessed. If you take care of the habits, the outcomes tend to take care of themselves.

Congratulations to not only the 18 CSP draft picks, but also the many other players reading this post who’ve had this great experience as well. You’ve surely done a lot of these things right along the way, too.
