Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 9/15/14

About the Author: Eric Cressey

To help kick your week off on the right foot, here are three recommended strength and conditioning readings for you:

Carbohydrate Tolerance: Is it Determined by your Genes? – Helen Kollias pulled together this excellent article for Precision Nutrition. It’s not just a research review, though; she also provides some important action items to help you improve your ability to tolerate carbohydrates.

The Radar Gun Revolution – Those of you who are baseball fans will appreciate this candid look at how the radar gun has changed the way that players are scouted. Anecdotally, I can tell you that the best scouts I’ve met always seem to know when to put the radar gun away (or leave it at home).


No Dumbbells? No Problem – A few of my online clients don’t have access to dumbbells in their home gyms, and it led me to write the “High Performance Training Without the Equipment” series a while back.
