Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/20/14

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s a big week for us at Cressey Sports Performance, as we’re in the home stretch and about to get into our new training facility in Jupiter, FL. If you want to follow along, I’ll be posting some progress pics on my Instagram account. While I won’t have much time to pull together new content this week, I can definitely tell you the following articles will be well worth your time!

Widening the Aerobic Window – Mike Robertson has published some excellent stuff on energy systems development in the past, and this article does a great job of building on them.

The Six Characteristics of a Good Dynamic Warm-up – I reincarnated this old post on Twitter yesterday, and it was a big hit. So, I thought I’d remind the readers, too.

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How You Make Decisions Says a Lot About How Happy You Are – I always love reading research on social phenomenons and how people behave. This Wall Street Journal article highlights some entertaining stuff in this realm.
