Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 12/22/14

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you’re all doing better than I am with your holiday shopping. While I

Kettlebell Swing: How to Cue the Hinge and Never Perform a Squat Swing Again – Here’s a great video post from Cressey Sports Performance coach Tony Gentilcore’s website. It’ll help you to avoid one of the most common kettlebell swing technique mistakes.


Squat Right for Your Type – Todd Bumgardner authored this insightful piece at T-Nation last week. I see a lot of folks try to jam a round peg in a square hole when it comes to squat technique, and the information in this article can help folks avoid that tendency.

Dodgers Betting Brandon McCarthy Can Shoulder the Load – I Tweeted about this article last week, and I think it’s a great message for the blog as well. Brandon McCarthy just got a big contract with the Dodgers, and his recent success can be heavily attributed to the fact that he’s healthy and durable for the first time in his career. That came about because he was open-minded enough to tinker with his training approaches – even when he had already “made it” to the big leagues. It’s a great lesson for young athletes.
