The Best of 2014: Strength and Conditioning Features
I really enjoying creating features with multiple installments because it really allows me to dig deep into a topic that interests both me and my readers. It’s like writing a short book, with each post being a different chapter. That said, here were a few of my favorite features from 2014 at
1. Random Thoughts on Sports Performance Training – I’m at my best when I’m my most random, and I think these posts are a great example of that. What started as a one-time post wound up becoming a regular series based on reader feedback. Here are links to all eight installments from 2014:
Installment 1
Installment 2
Installment 3
Installment 4
Installment 5
Installment 6
Installment 7
Installment 8
2. Quick and Easy Ways to Feel and Move Better – This series is mostly CSP coach Greg Robins’ work, but I jumped in quite a bit in 2014. Installments 53-60 ran this year; here were the most popular ones:
Installment 53
Installment 54
Installment 57
Installment 58
Installment 59
3. Is Thoracic Spine Extension Work Necessary? – My good friend and colleague, physical therapist Eric Schoenberg, put together this in-depth series to demonstrate that not everyone needs extra thoracic extension work, contrary to what many folks think.
The Best of 2014 series is almost complete, but stayed tuned for a few more highlights!