Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 11/7/16
Happy Election Week! I’m happy to report that today’s recommended reading list has absolutely nothing to do with politics, as I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about the election on social media. Enjoy the following non-political reads:
The Art of Relationships Based Coaching – This article from Purdue Basketball strength and conditioning coach Josh Bonhotal is one of the best coaching reads I’ve seen in a long time. It’s must-read.
An Interview with Doug Kechijian – This is a fantastic interview with a former CSP intern who is currently doing a great job in NYC as a physical therapist. It’s free to the public for the week (Sports Rehab Expert is normally a members-only site).
Gym Owner Musings: Installment 3 – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, always has some great thoughts on the business side of fitness – and this series has been the beneficiary of what pops into his head.
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