Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/24/17
Happy Tuesday! We’re a day late with this recommended reading/listening/viewing list, as yesterday was a crazy one in light of the High Performance Handbook sale and a full day of evaluations at Cressey Sports Performance. Then, we wrapped up the day with our annual “Night with the Pros” event.
CSP Fall Seminar Live Tweeting – Frank Duffy was kind enough to live Tweet our annual fall seminar on Sunday, and you can see the “play by play” at this link.
A Roundtable of Rants – This was a compilation of responses from a collection of T-Nation contributors in response to the question, “What’s pissing you off right now in the world of fitness or lifting?” As you’ll see, my answer was in stark contrast to the rest of panel.
19 Ninja Tricks to Help Your Write Better Training Programs – Mike Robertson provided some outstanding lessons in this podcast. Any coach can benefit from listening to it!
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