Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 12/18/17
It’s a short week on the content front, as I posted last week’s recommended reading a few days late. We are still making things happen, though!
Eccentric Overload with Flywheel Training and Rehabilitation – This is an awesome article from the power couple, Jennifer Reiner-Marcello and Brandon Marcello. We’ve been using the Versapulley more and more in our training, and this delves into some of the mechanisms that make it so great.
Brian St. Pierre on the Fundamentals of High-Performance Nutrition – Brian has been a friend, employee, and trusted resource for over a decade – and podcasts like this show why that’s the case. He delivers some excellent content.
11 Ways to Make an Exercise Harder – Earlier this week, on social media, I shared this old article of mine from T-Nation. It’s a collection of important programming progressions and regressions that anyone writing strength training programs should understand.
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