Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 4/26/19

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Today, I’ve got a little recommended reading and listening to wrap up your week! Before I get to it, though, just a quick reminder that the early-bird registration deadline for my June 2 shoulder course in St. Louis is quickly approaching. You can learn more HERE.

Just a Coach in the Strength and Conditioning Profession – Jim Ferris is an accomplished coach whose social media posts are always super entertaining. He’s got a great sense of humor and a lot of experience, so it’s awesome to see him publishing articles now.

Strength Training for the Softball Athlete – I joined the National Fastpitch Coaches Association podcast to talk about strength and conditioning in the softball world. It covers a wide range of topics, though, ranging from long-term athletic development to specific injury prevention.

How to Show You’re Passionate in a Job InterviewOn the surface, this has nothing to do with strength and conditioning. However, just about everyone who interviews for a S&C position invariably falls back on leveraging their passion to make their case. If you’re going to use that approach, keep these strategies from the Harvard Business Review in mind.

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