Bigger, Leaner, Stronger, Healthier: 1/29/09 Maximum Strength Feedback

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I just received this email yesterday from a happy Maximum Strength customer:


“I just finished up with your Maximum Strength program and wanted to write you to let you know of the results.  Before I get to the good stuff, I wanted to thank you for writing such a comprehensive strength training program.  Not only was it challenging but it was also laid out in a format where it is easy to understand and follow.  I have not stopped talking about this program for 16 weeks and now that I have the results, I have people getting ready to jump on the Maximum Strength bandwagon.

“Not only did I see an increase across the board in lifts and movements, but the soft tissue and mobility work opened up my hips and all but eliminated any IT band issues I was having previous to this.  I started this program with the idea that the conclusion would come just in time for me to start going back to my endurance training for this summer’s triathlon circuit.  Now that I am done, I am at the strongest I have been in 12 years, I set a PR in deadlifts and I am in a frame of mind for my next race where I know I will be one of the strongest competitors in the field.

“Here are the results from the program:

Moving Day                                 Packing Day                                  Difference
Weight – 201                                        212 lbs                                        + 11 lbs
Broad Jump – 88″                                 115″                                            + 17″
Squat – 385 lbs                                     445 lbs                                        + 60 lbs
Bench – 300 lbs                                    325 lbs                                        + 25 lbs
Deadlift – 385                                        455                                             + 70 lbs
3 Rep Chin – BW +30                         BW + 60                                     30 lbs + 11 of BW

“To say I am excited about these results is an understatement.  I was a little bummed on the weight until I got my new circumference measurements done.  While I did add 11 pounds, I lost .5 inches off my waist and added 6, yes I said 6 inches to my chest/back/shoulders measurement.  The compliments I have gotten from friends and family are even more indicative of a successful program.  Not only did I set a new PR in dealift but I am most proud of the 3 rep chin max, where not only did I add muscle and body weight, I was also able to increase my strength and added additional external weight as well.

“Thanks again.  I plan on recommending this program to friends, family and soon-to-be clients!”

-Chris Bartl

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