Feedback on the Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I received this email earlier this week from a very satisfied customer of The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual:

“Hi Eric,

I just thought I’d let you know of my progress after completing the first two months training from your offseason manual. At the same time I started, I also purchased Precision Nutrition and implemented a much improved eating plan to see me add strength and lose bodyfat whilst maintaining lean mass ready for the onset of the soccer pre-season at the start of July. So, after two months of Precision Nutrition eating and off-season training, in terms of measurements I have:

– lost 14lbs in weight
– lost 2 inches off my waist
– lost 3 1/4 inches off my hips
– lost 1 inch off my neck
– gained 1/2 inch on my shoulders
– maintained the same arm measurement with no direct arm training

and in the gym I have:

– added roughly 45lbs to my bench and squat
– 3RM chin of BW+45lbs
– ‘straightened out’ my previous anterior pelvic tilt
– improved my hamstring and adductor flexibility

In the eight weeks this took, I have eaten seven meals a day without fail that have with no exceptions adhered to the 10 habits of PN (allowing a slice of cake for desert once a week!). I have been in the gym everyday at 6am (bar Saturdays, my off-day), with Mondays and Wednesdays being my regeneration days, which I view as just as important as my four resistance days.

I can’t wait for soccer preseason to start in July and see hopefully my hard work payoff (literally ££!!).

Thanks for providing the great resources to put me on the track to progression,

Andy Powell
United Kingdom”

Click Here to Check Out The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual for Yourself!

