Random Friday Thoughts: 7/10/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here I sit at my desk on a Friday morning in an empty, 100% quiet Cressey Performance.  I’m not sure that’s ever happened before – and it won’t last long, as clients start rolling in about 23 minutes from now.  In other words, there goes my opportunity to create a well thought-out, organized, and relevant blog post.  Let the randomness begin.

1. Here’s an interesting journal article looking at those with functional ankle instability also presented with delayed trunk reflexes.  In other words, if you’ve had an ankle sprain without thorough rehabilitation, it relates to a later onset of trunk muscle activation.  This closely parallels a lot of the stuff I covered in The Truth About Unstable Surface Training E-Book, as unstable surface training has been tremendously effective in correcting the proprioceptive delay we see in the peroneals following ankle sprains.


I guess you could say that this is one more “yea” vote in favor of the whole kinetic chain concept.  Mess up an ankle and you very might be dealing with a knee, hip, or lower back issue sooner than later.

2. For the second year in a row, I’ll be speaking at Fantasy Day at Fenway Park.  If you’re looking for a good time to benefit a great cause (The Jimmy Fund), click here for more information.  The event is July 18.

3. Random fact: when preparing for the new DVD, Mike Robertson and I realized that Magnificent Mobility has sold in over 50 countries.  Apparently, the Norwegians and Indonesians really dig Mike’s smooth Midwestern drawl.

4.  Speaking of Mike, check out this great blog post from him: The Starving Artist

That’s all for this week.  Have a great weekend!
