Random Friday Thoughts: 10/30/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1.Just a quick heads-up: today is the last day you can get the new Functional Strength Coach 3 DVD set from Mike Boyle with all the sweet bonuses he’s offered as an introductory special.  Definitely check it out (here).

2. There’s some great new research out in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that compares front and back squats with respect to stress on the knees.  Not surprisingly, you actually see higher compressive forces and knee extensor moments with the back squat – which would imply that the front squat is a safer option for most folks.  This actually isn’t a huge surprise to me, as we’ve integrated front squatting well in advance of back squatting in returning folks with lower extremity issues to “normal training.”  However, there is a bit more.

You see, we’ll have people do a box squat variation before going to a front squat.  There is more of a sitting back motion, and a bit less knee flexion, so more of the stress it put back on the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings) than the quads.  It not only takes the stress off the knees, but also allows folks to maintain a great training effect while they’re on the mend.  And, in reality, it probably helps to address some of their inefficiencies, as a good chunk of folks with knee issues tend to have weak posterior chains and be very quad-dominant.  While the majority of these individuals’ training focuses on deadlifting variations and single-leg work, when the time comes to squat, we’ll first use a front box squat:

From there, we’d go to a back-loaded box squat variation (giant cambered bar, safety squat bar, or straight bar), and then on to regular ol’ front squats.  (FYI, I covered front vs. back squats from a different perspective HERE)

3. When it comes to shoulder health, one thing folks miss out on all the time is the important role of the subscapularis, one of the four muscles of the rotator cuff.  This is a huge mistake if you want healthy shoulders.  Why?  As the picture below shows, this sucker has a big cross-sectional area (CSA).  In fact, according to Bassett et al., its CSA is the second largest (behind only the deltoid) of any muscle crossing the glenohumeral joint.


As an interesting little tag-along to that fact, I recall reading that research has demonstrated that subscapularis cross-sectional area was the only factor that predicted powerlifting performance.  While the primary focus of the subscapularis is dynamic stabilization of the humeral head (and, more specifically, creating anterior stability with its posterior pull), it also assists in internally rotating the humerus, so it’s lumped in as a “bad guy” with the other internal rotators: pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, anterior deltoid, and teres major.

In reality, in most folks, some subscapularis activation work during the warm-up should be done in conjunction with lengthening drills for the other internal rotators and posterior rotator cuff in order to establish a good shoulder groove before training.  We go into great detail in Assess and Correct with two of our progressions, but to get the ball rolling, try putting your hand behind your back (as if handcuffed) and then lifting off without extending your elbow or flexing your wrist.


If this isn’t happening easily (both getting the arm back there and lifting off), you need to get to work!

4. Speaking of Assess and Correct,  the feedback thus far has been fantastic – and folks haven’t even received the DVDs yet!  Here’s a little sample from some of the emails I’ve received:

“I ordered a copy last night and have been looking over the e-manual this morning and I’ve got to say, it looks awesome! Can’t wait to put it to use.”

“I got it yesterday. It’s awesome and the DVDs haven’t even arrived yet!”

Needless to say, the DVDs alone will be 100% worth the deal, but the in-depth bonuses take things to the next level.  Remember that the one-week only introductory price of $97 expires on Sunday at midnight, so pick up your copy ASAP!

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Have a great weekend!


PS – I’m looking for a good trainer/S&C coach in the State College, PA area.  If you are located there or know someone good nearby, please email me ASAP at ec@ericcressey.com.  Thanks!

PPS – I’m doing the Fitcast with Kevin Larrabee this morning.  I’ll get the link posted as soon as it’s available.
