Can You Gain 5 Pounds of Muscle per Month?

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I just received this email from a happy Maximum Strength customer:

“I just did my post-testing two weeks ago after the Maximum Strength Program. I thought you might want to know the results:

OLD Lifts | NEW Lifts

Box Squat: 315 | 345

Deadlift: 365 | 385

Military Press: 160 | 175[note from EC: I guess he opted to test this instead of his bench press]

Chin-up 3RM (total system weight): 200 | 210

Bodyweight: 175 lbs | 195 lbs

I am very happy with the results. Thanks a lot!


20 pounds in four months? That’s five pounds a month! Not too shabby at all…

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