Home Blog A Sweet Free Fat Loss Report from John Romaniello

A Sweet Free Fat Loss Report from John Romaniello

Written on February 2, 2010 at 12:01 am, by Eric Cressey

Just wanted to give you a quick heads-up on a free report John Romaniello just made available as a “prelude” to the launch of his new product Final Phase Fat Loss.  It’s called “Why You’ve Stopped Losing Body Fat” and there are a few points in there that will interest even the most experienced folks in the crowd (and there’s also some Romaniello humor, which I’ve come to appreciate as absolutely classic).

I’ve also had a chance to review the final product that will be launched very soon, and I’d strongly encourage you to check it out when it becomes available.  John’s a guy who walks the walk (as his picture below shows) and has helped a ton of people lean out over the years; he’s got some great nutritional strategies and unique training ideas to share.

You’ve got nothing to lose; this report’s free.  So, check it out: Why You’ve Stopped Losing Body Fat.


One Response to “A Sweet Free Fat Loss Report from John Romaniello”

  1. Alan Says:

    Some very good points there. You are right, the last few kilos seem to be the hardest to shift. I have a small pocket either side of my belly button that I wish to lose, then I’m hoping to see some abs. According to my callipers (not too accurate I know) I’m about 12-14% and I’d like to hit 10% or less. Thanks for your interest and help.

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