Home Baseball Content Acumobility Self Care for the Neck – Part 5

Acumobility Self Care for the Neck – Part 5

Written on January 21, 2018 at 11:55 am, by Eric Cressey

Today is the fifth and final installment of my video series on self care for the neck and upper extremity with the Acumobility Ball. In this edition, I cover the upper traps with a four-minute video, as this approach isn't right for everyone. Don't forget that you can get 10% off on this great soft tissue tool with the coupon code cressey at www.Acumobility.com.

Thanks for sticking with me for all five videos! I hope you enjoyed them and derived some benefit.

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4 Responses to “Acumobility Self Care for the Neck – Part 5”

  1. Gretchen Saaduddin Says:

    I met you at Perform Better several times through the years. When my Dad was hospitalized and we had to nearly live at the horrible hospital to protect him, I got away from lifting in the gym. When I returned, any upper body work involving the traps would give me a splitting migraine, complete with barfing. Last night I did some lifts that might cause problems and even discussed it with another master trainer. Today I checked my emails….and tadaaa….there it was. My answer. True to form, Eric. You always have a solution to a problem. Shows I need to get back in the groove and surround myself with experts such as yourself. Thank you.

  2. Tiffany Hutchens Says:

    wow, I have never heard that explanation for sloping shoulders! I am an orthopedic massage therapist and we always deal with hypertrophic upper traps, and because of that I’ve always stayed away from strengthening the traps.now you got me thinking…. love it!

  3. Jonnathan Rosero Says:

    Can you use the acumobility ball as an alternative for a lacrosse ball?

  4. Eric Cressey Says:


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