Advice for Sore Knees

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Q: What advice do you have for sore knees? It might be from over use, squats, dead lifts, cardio, but I’m sure joggers run into this all the time. Do you cover it in you Mobility DVD?

A: “Knee issues” is a very broad topic. You can have dysfunction at the ankle, hip, or knee itself – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We most commonly see issues at the ankle, hip, or both, though. It could be mobility deficits, soft tissue restrictions, capsular issues, or even congenital issues (femoral-acetabular impingement, for instance). Issues like you describe can simply be a result of imbalanced training programs, too. Most people tend to be very quad dominant and do a lot more squatting work than hip-dominant exercises.

With Magnificent Mobility, we’ve definitely had some excellent results in people with nagging knee issues. However, given that you have more of a “amorphous” issue, you’d be better off picking up a copy of Mike Robertson’s Bulletproof Knees Manual. Mike goes into great depth on knee issues, their causes, and solutions – all while educating the reader in an easy-to-understand manner.

Eric Cressey
