All-Star Break Sale: Get Functional Stability Training for 25% Off
Today is the first day of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Break, a welcomed “recharge” period for players and staff – and also an exciting few days of highlighting the great present and future talents of MLB.
To celebrate, Mike Reinold and I have put our Functional Stability Training series on sale for 25% off through Friday at midnight. These are some of our most popular resources, so don’t miss out on this great chance to pick them up at an excellent discount. Just head to www.FunctionalStability.com and enter the coupon code MLB2021EC at checkout to get the discount.
Here’s what a few industry leaders have to save about FST:
“After 30 years of coaching, I do whatever I can to cut out the middle man when it comes to learning a concept, method, or training strategy- I go straight to the source whenever possible. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the precision and focus of two of the best professional in performance and therapy. Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey are game changers and Functional Stability Training is world-class.”
Lee Taft, Strength and Conditioning Coach
“When it comes to teaching the function of the body in terms sport performance and rehab, you can’t get much better than Eric Cressey and Mike Reinold. When these two team up, great things happen, consistently and emphatically. Functional Stability Training is a fantastic product that I would recommend to any trainer, coach, or rehab professional that wants to expand their knowledge.”
Dean Somerset, BSc. Kinesiology, CEP, CSCS, MEPD
Again, just head to to www.FunctionalStability.com and enter the coupon code MLB2021EC at checkout to get the discount.