All Young Athletes are “Injured” – even if they don’t know it

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’ve written quite a bit in the past about how one should always interpret the results of diagnostic imaging (MRI, x-ray, etc.) very cautiously and alongside movement assessments and the symptoms one has.  In case you missed them, here are some quick reads along these lines:

Preventing Lower Back Pain: Assuming is Okay
Who Kneeds “Normal” Knees?
Healthy Shoulders with Terrible MRIs?

While some of these studies stratified subjects into athletes and non-athlete controls, not surprisingly, all these studies utilized adult subjects exclusively.  In other words, we’re left wondering if we see the same kind of imaging abnormalities in asymptomatic teenage athletes, which is without a doubt our most “at-risk” population nowadays.

That is, of course, until this study came out: MRI of the knee joint in asymptomatic adolescent soccer players: a controlled study.

Researchers found that 64% of 14-15 year-old athletes had one or more knee MRI “abnormalities”, whereas those in the control group (non-athletes), 32% had at least one “abnormality.”  Bone marrow edema presence was markedly higher in the soccer players (50%) than in the control group (3%).

Once again, we realize that just about everyone is “abnormal” – and that we really don’t even know what “healthy” really is.  So, we can’t hang our hat exclusively on what a MRI or x-ray says (especially since we don’t have the luxury of knowing with every client/athlete we train).  What to do, then?

Hang your hat on movement first and foremost in an asymptomatic population.  Do thorough assessments and nip inefficiencies in the bud before they become structural abnormalities that reach a painful threshold.

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