Another CP Intern on the Road to Diesel

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s become a bit of a tradition for Cressey Performance interns to not only pick up on training knowledge while they’re at CP, but also get more diesel in the process by following the program in my book, Maximum Strength.  This fall’s intern, Chris Howard, just had his Moving Day today.

Here are his results:

Body weight:  159 to 174.5
Vertical Jump:  27.1″ to 28.0″
Peak Power: 5,397 W to 5,855 W (8.5% increase)
Broad Jump: 91″ to 103″
Box Squat: 235 to 265
Bench Press: 205 to 230
Deadlift: 215 to 335
3-rep max chin-up: 224 (BW+65) to 244.5 (BW+70)

Not too shabby for just under four months of training.  Congratulations, Chris, and thanks for all your contributions to Cressey Performance!

Click here to pick up your copy of Maximum Strength!
