Back from California…

About the Author: Eric Cressey

You probably noticed that there wasn’t a blog post on Tuesday, and I’m only now getting around to this at 9PM on Wednesday night.  It’s because my fiancee and I returned from California early this morning after five days of fun – including the Perform Better Summit in Long Beach, my staff in-service for Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove’s staff at their facility in Newhall, and a visit to my buddy Scot Prohaska and his place down in Huntington Beach.  Needless to say, it was a very busy trip – but that’s not to say that we didn’t have some fun.  Muscle Beach, anyone?


Don’t worry, though; I actually did get a bit of relaxation in.  Just give me a day to get back in the groove, dig myself out of the giant landfill that is my email inbox, and I’ll be kicking out new content in no time.

