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Newsletter #71

With our high school athletes back in school (and many of them in-season), it's nice to have a little more free time during the day to catch up on writing - and that means a regular schedule for newsletters here at EricCressey.com.  This week, we've got a subscriber-only Q&A, and then a continuation of our Expert Tips compilation - this week with Joe Dowdell.

Subscriber only Q&A

Q: Dancers and yoga practitioners are notoriously known for their extreme flexibility, which can be a problem if not balanced with strength.  How so?

A: Hypermobility can definitely be a problem.  All movements require a delicate balance between mobility and stability.  Some joints demand more mobility at the expense of stability (e.g. shoulders), whereas others require more stability at the expense of mobility (hips).  It's one of the reasons that we're always emphasizing stabilization work at the glenohumeral joint, scapula, and lumbar spine and mobility work at the hips, ankles, adn thoracic spine.  When you push the balance between mobility and stability out of whack too far in one direction (e.g. hypermobility), ligaments aren't as effective as joint stabilizers and muscle length-tension relationships can be negatively affected. It's something that a lot of us have been doing from an "isolationist" perspective for quite some time (I remember trying to make sense of it back in graduate school in one of my classes with Dr. David Tiberio), but it wasn't until guys like Mike Boyle and Gray Cook put it out there that we realized this "alternating joints" approach explained a lot of dysfunction we see - and how to prevent it. Now, we're at the next frontier: optimizing training protocols to correct the problems.  I'm always experimenting with new ways to mobilize the thoracic spine and ankles while trying to figure out the optimal combination of mobility, activation, joint mobilizations, and soft tissue work to get the job done.  It's not much different than fat loss; we know now that aerobic exercise is an inferior fat loss modality and that strength training and high-intensity interval training are superior, but we're just looking to find the optimal blend to make things work perfectly.  Compare Alwyn Cosgrove's Real World Fat Loss and Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training and you'll see a ton of similarities, but the subtle intricacies of the programs are different. As the saying goes, it's a process, not a destination.

Five Tips from Joe Dowdell

I first met Joe Dowdell last July when Mike Robertson and I presented our Building the Efficient Athlete seminar at his facility in New York City, but his reputation had undoubtedly caught my attention well before we met up for the first time.  Joe has a reputation for getting results in clients from supermodels, to actors and actresses, to professional athletes.  As perhaps my greatest testament to Joe's abilities, I got him in touch with two NBA guys who needed a good trainer this off-season while living in NYC, and both the athletes and their coaches have been thrilled about the results they've attained. Below, Joe shares some thoughts on the science and business of training. 1. Every time you attend a conference or lecture, make sure you are an active listener and only ask questions if you truly don’t understand a topic or make a comment if you have something of true value to add to the lecture. In addition, if you do ask a question or add a comment, make sure that your question/comment is well formulated and to the point.  Nothing is more annoying to other attendees than having to listen to an individual who simply likes to hear themselves talk.

2. Try to learn from as many experts in the field as you can.  Instead of going by what others may think or say about “expert A” or “expert B,” you should attend a seminar or lecture given by that individual(s) and listen to what they actually have to say.  Then, you can formulate your own opinion as to whether you agree or disagree with them. If I listened to what some of my peers said about an expert and never sat in a room with that individual, I would have missed out on some very valuable information.

3. If you are the owner of a gym and/or the Director of Personal Training at a fitness facility, you should always remember to lead by example.  If you don’t train yourself hard; don’t attend educational seminars; don’t dress like a fitness professional; don’t clean up after yourself on the training floor, etc., then how can you ever expect your trainers to do the same?

4. Many years ago while attending a seminar given by Tom Purvis, I heard two terms that have stuck with me and I have consistently applied with the training of my clients as well as myself.  They are Micro-Progression and Strategic Variation. Since that time, stuck with me when training myself and others. All too often trainers progress their clients way too fast, which often leads to compensation patterns and eventually, if left unchecked, to injury.  In addition, many trainers change their clients' programs too quickly or too often. More often than not, these changes are not the result of a well thought out game plan; but, rather, they are done in a haphazard fashion.

5. Remember that recovery and regeneration is an extremely critical component to the success of your athlete or client.  Make sure when planning your athletes or client’s training programs that you build in some regeneration sessions.  These sessions do not have to be very long.  They can be as short as 10 minutes of contrast showers to 15-20 minutes of foam rolling and static stretching to 20-30 minutes of an aerobic recovery run.  If my client or athlete is strength training and performing high intensity intervals for a total of 4-5 hours per week, then I like to make sure that they are getting at least 45-60 minutes of regeneration in that week as well.

About Joe Dowdell

A personal trainer and strength coach, Joe Dowdell is one of the most highly sought-after fitness experts in the world.  His motivating teaching style and unique expertise have helped transform a clientele from the worlds of sport, entertainment, media and finance.  Dowdell is founder and co-owner of Peak Performance Strength & Conditioning Center, a 10,000-square-foot loft in NYC.  Dowdell currently serves on Fitness Magazine’s Scientific Advisory Board and is the Technical Editor for Women’s Health Magazine. In addition, he is a published author and a regular expert contributor to an array of national and international publications, including Men’s Health, Men’s Journal, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Women’s Health, Fitness, and Oxygen. www.PeakPerformanceNYC.com. Until next time, train hard and have fun!


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Newsletter #70

With the summer winding down, it's time to get back on track with a regular schedule of weekly newsletters.  Fortunately, we've got plenty of content in the works - including quite a few more contributions to our "random thoughts" series from some of the best in the business.

Cressey Performance Updates

Many of our athletes have headed back to college, and our high school athletes are getting back into the swing of the school year.  Normally, in this industry, that would mean that we're about to catch a little vacation time.  That couldn't be further from the truth in our case, though; the renovations are still taking place.  All our equipment is now in, and the walls and flooring are both complete.  We're just wrapping up the window work - and will be putting down the turf in a few weeks.  Keep your eyes and ears open for an announcement on a grand opening at Cressey Performance.

Five Tips from Mike Boyle

Many people know that Mike Boyle has probably trained more high-level athletes than anyone on the planet right now.  What many people might not know about Mike is that he's helped countless coaches in their career paths; you'll find "Boyle Disciples" all over collegiate and professional strength and conditioning and in the private sector.  To that end, I thought it would be great if Mike targeted his random thoughts to the up-and-comers in the business (I know, I know; it's not exactly random).

1. There are only two ways to learn: experience and reading. If you think you can get good in this field in a 40-hour week you’re crazy. If a 40-hour week is your goal, find a new field. Read Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia’s article “The Business.”

2. Train clients or athletes at least 20 hours a week.  This is the proving ground for your booksmarts.  Ideas are just that; see if you can implement them.

3. If you want to succeed in the field, get yourself in shape.  I frequently joke about the fact that I don’t look the part.  I’m not very muscular and am old and bald – but I’m in reasonable shape for 47.  At 27, you will NOT get the benefit of the doubt.  No one wants an overweight trainer or a skinny trainer.  They expect you to look the part.  You don’t have to be huge, and you don’t have to be ripped, but you need to look like you exercise.

4. Never ask a client to do something you can’t demonstrate.  You don’t have to be able to do exercises with huge weights, but you must master the exercises.  Beside the fact that many people learn visually, how can you ask a client to something you can’t?

5. Read one self-help book for every field-related book.  It’s called personal training for a reason. It’s about a person and his/her goals.  Your knowledge of people will be as important as your knowledge of the subject matter.  Years ago, someone asked me what the key to my success was.  I told them that it was my ability to get people to do what I wanted them to do.

You can find an interview I did with Mike at T-Nation a while back HERE. About Mike Boyle

Mike Boyle is one of the most sought after coaches and speakers in the area of performance training and athletic rehabilitation. In fact, Mike’s client list reads like a "Who’s Who" of athletic success in New England and across the country. Boyle has been involved in training and rehabilitation with a wide range of athletes, from stars in every major professional sport, to the US Women’s Olympic teams in soccer and ice hockey. In addition Mike has served as a consultant to some of the top teams in the NFL, NHL, as well as numerous Division 1 athletic programs.

Mike brings a depth and breadth of knowledge that is unmatched in the industry, with ten years of experience at the professional level and over twenty years at the collegiate level. Mike’s work has been featured in the media on HBO RealSports, ESPN, CNNSI, as well as in Sports Illustrated and USA today.  In both 2004 and 2005 Men’s Journal named Boyle one of the top 100 trainers in the United States.

Mike’s innovative series of live seminar DVD’s have set a new standard for industry education. Functional Strength Coach Volume 1 and 2 and Advanced Program Design continue to get rave reviews. In addition, Mike’s two books have assisted in the education of literally thousands of coaches and trainers.

To learn more about Mike’s training techniques, purchase products, or to participate in forum discussions visit Michaelboyle.biz. That'll do it for today's newsletter. We'll be back soon with more content - and some updated Cressey Performance pictures! All the Best, EC
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Five Random Thoughts from David Barr

In this week's update, we've got five tips from David Barr - but first a few quick notes.

How's this for a testimonial?

I received this email on Friday:

Hi Eric,

I don't know if you remember me, but I was in contact with you early this year.  I'm a bobsledder on the Canadian Team. I was doing one of the programs in your Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual and I made it onto the Americas Cup team because of it.  We went to Lake Placid and won two bronze medals. I have been training full time with the Canadian national team and have seen great progress. My lifts have gone up a crazy amount and I've gained almost 40 pounds while keeping around the same BF% since starting with your programs. Going into a training camp this Saturday, I’m 18 and competing with 28-year-old men. My goal for this season is to make it on a Europa Cup team. I would like to thank you for the off-season manual.  It helped a ton – and next off-season I would love to come down to Boston to do some work with you. Thanks,

Adam Keller

Another name to watch out for in the years to come! For more information on the programs to which Adam was referring, check out The Ultimate Off-Season Manual.

Five Random Thoughts from David Barr

1. Soreness = Muscle Growth.  In the 1990s, we “realized” that soreness is just a result of the muscle inflammatory response, and has little to do with actual growth.  However, consider the following: if Arachadonic Acid (AA) is the fatty acid that gets converted to prostaglandins (PG) during inflammation: a) Blocking the conversion of AA to PG prevents both soreness and muscle growth b) Increasing levels of AA increases levels of PG, soreness, and muscle growth c) The most damaging type of training yields the greatest soreness, strength and muscle gains 2. Short workouts aren't as great as you think.  In the late 1990, it became all the rage to keep workouts to less than 45 minutes.  It was believed, based on scientific evidence, that training for longer periods would result in a temporary decrease in anabolic hormone levels.  Now, we realize (irony intended) that the impact of acute hormonal regulation is minimal, and it is far better to have a stimulating workout – even if it takes longer. 3. Apparently, pre-training meals suck?  In spite of the evidence to show that pre-workout meals result in the greatest observable increases in muscle protein synthesis (the acute measure of muscle growth and recovery), people still refuse to use them.  Considering that they also provide a tremendous increase in blood flow during training, which every newbie seems to be after, shouldn’t everyone be using them? 4. Faith vs. Reason.  People are going to believe what they want even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Sadly, this even results in people getting upset by the mere presentation of data that contradicts a belief. In the supplement world, if you add in the fact that the placebo effect accounts for >60% of the resulting effect, you’re just asking for people to freak out. 5. Protein Pulse Feeding.  The idea of spiking blood amino acids with protein, similar to the way in which we spike insulin with carbs, is the most anabolic nutritional revolution since whey protein was developed. Protein pulsing: not just for post-workout meals! About David Barr David Barr is a strength coach and scientist, with research specialty in nutrition and its impact on performance and body composition. In addition to his work for NASA at the Johnson Space Center, David's research career has involved everything from the cellular basis of muscle breakdown to work on critically ill catabolic patients. He holds certifications with the NSCA as well as USA Track and Field, and can be contacted through his website: http://www.RaiseTheBarr.net. That'll do it for this update.  We'll be back later this week with more new material. All the Best, EC
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Quick Tips from Kelly Baggett: Part 2

Six More Tips from Kelly Baggett

6. Improving performance is not that complicated. When looking to improve our own athletic performance or that of the people we’re training or coaching, what most people fail to understand is that the basics are responsible for 90% of the results and way more people screw up due to over-complication, or improper application of the basics, than those that screw up due to lack of cutting-edge material to insert into their routines, diet, or recovery protocols. All the fancified mumbo-jumbo offered by the countless gurus of the profession usually exists to:

A. Make them sound smart

B. Separate people from their money


C. Appeal to the curiosity of readers who like to delve into the 10% that isn't covered by the basics. (note: A lot of stuff I'm writing here falls into that 10%)

If athletes are somewhat coordinated on their feet, have decent posture, flexibility, and muscular balance, are lean, relatively strong throughout their body, and can accelerate a lot of weight through either a clean or weighted squat variation, they're going to be good athletes. It shouldn't take long to learn "general" concepts related to proper flexibility, coordination, injury prevention, body composition, strength, explosiveness, reactivity, and conditioning.

7. Acid Buffers are a very useful and under-rated supplement when it comes to increasing work capacity and tolerance to high intensity activity. If you're trying to avoid or improve "neural fatigue," this is where it is. The body will maintain its PH range in a narrow range regardless of how you eat, but the important thing is what your body has to do to maintain that proper PH. Sub-clinical low-grade acidosis increases cortisol and occurs in most people due to the increased consumption of grains and reduced consumption of veggies and fruits. It also tends to naturally occur in response to stress of any kind. This includes: caloric restriction, intensive activity, and lack of sleep.

Low-grade acidosis is, in my opinion, one reason why people dieting are more prone to lose strength. So how do you fix it? Eat your veggies and fruits. One pound of green veggies per 50 pounds of bodyweight per day is ideal. Vegetable juicing is a good idea. Additionally, a couple of extra grams of sodium and potassium bicarbonate (baking soda or Alka-Seltzer) can be useful, as can extra magnesium, glutamine (a teaspoon with each meal), and l-carnosine. If you pay attention to how you feel, you can eventually get to a point where you know when to supplement with extra buffers. The acidic state is associated with a “wired out” anxious stressed out type energy. The alkaline state is associated with relaxation. If you're feeling too relaxed, lay off the buffers. If you're feeling stressed, add them in.

8. Genetic variants in the RAS/Angiotensin/ACE gene have a lot to do with individual differences in body-fat distribution patterns, insulin sensitivity, muscle fiber type, and health. Variants in the ACE gene cause some people to produce more or less ACE than others. The high ACE variant makes some people naturally strong with a lot of fast twitch fiber. They tend to respond to weight training with great strength increases. On the other hand, it also tends to make those same people more susceptible to high blood pressure, depression, visceral fat accumulation, and heart disease. Having the lower ACE genotype makes some people have a propensity to be scrawny and better at endurance activities with soft looking muscles and subcutaneous fat storage patterns. Here's a high-ACE poster child - lots of visceral fat.

9. Studies showing that anabolic steroids don’t increase aggressiveness and other abnormal psychological characteristics are nearly always university studies using typical college males as subjects. Steroids are known to amplify existing psychology. If you're naturally happy, you get more happy. If you're aggressive, you get more aggressive. If you're prone to mood swings, you get more moody. The problem is, there are probably quite a few baseline psychological differences between a typical university student and a typical bodybuilder. I'd like to see a steroid study using prison inmates as subjects. Bottom line: Despite how steroid users like to point to this and that study showing steroids don't have any effect whatsoever on the “asshole meter,” in the real world, I have my doubts. People who derive enjoyment from self-inflicted torture (a.k.a.- lifting weights) aren't always exactly normal in the first place!

10. I get a lot of questions from athletes writing me asking what to do to improve their unilateral jumping. Some people simply can't jump off one foot worth a darn. As I discuss in my Vertical Jump Development Bible, although strength qualities and bodyweight do play a factor, based on my observations and experience, a lot of this is due to structural balance and posture.

Basically, it has to do with your style of gait and how that impacts your natural leverages and muscle recruitment. Some people walk and run with a tendency to pull their center of gravity. They take big steps forward and tend to walk (and run) way back on their heels. Other people have a tendency to chase their center of gravity. When they walk and run, their feet stay more under their body. There will still be some heel strike, but not to the same extent. This style of gait lends itself to better use of the hip extensors and better top running speed and unilateral jumping. If you sit in a mall or other busy place and just observe people walking it's pretty easy to see the difference in gait patterns. The point is that if you struggle with your unilateral jump you also probably do not to move well on your forefoot and activity in your hip extensors is minimized in your daily activities due to your posture.

A good way to cue correct posture is to stand on a stair step, place both heels off the edge and lower the heels, like doing a calf stretch. Push the heels fairly hard and tighten the thighs and keep them tight. Keep contact with the rail for balance. Make sure you stand up straight and you will line up in "perfect posture." What it does is bring the center of gravity where it belongs and forces the body to align itself correctly. Additionally, it never hurts to get in the habit of contracting your glutes at heel strike whenever you walk around.

11. Everyone is aware of the importance foam rolling and stretching for soft tissue health, but few people are aware of the impact of nutrition. I challenge anyone with multiple chronic adhesions, trigger points, or tendonitis to give up all wheat (gluten), corn, legumes, and dairy products for a week. Eat as many whole meats and veggies as you like and make rice-based foods your only source of starchy carbs. See if your tissues don't feel better. Our consumption of Agricultural era foods is still relatively new for humans. We can't fully digest and assimilate many of the proteins, lectins, and other components of these foods unless they are processed and cooked beforehand. If a food has to be highly processed and cooked before we can eat it, it's logical that it might not fully agree with us. Thus, many of us will have some degree of subclinical inflammatory reaction to these foods. These reactions are generally "hidden" allergies that cause symptoms like muscle pain, joint pain, tendonitis, fatigue, gas, and moodiness. If you eliminate the aforementioned foods and feel like crap with hardcore cravings for the first few days, you're on the right track (note how many people literally feel sick when going from a standard "eat whatever ain't nailed down" powerlifting diet to a clean diet). The withdrawal symptoms prove that you are "food addicted." Ninety percent of the time an addictive food is a reactive food. Fortunately, the craving will pass after a few days and you'll feel much better. About Kelly Kelly Baggett is a sought-after performance and physique coach from Springfield, MO. He has authored three books, including, The No-Bull Muscle Building Plan, The Vertical Jump Development Bible, and The Ultimate No Bull Speed Development Manual. You can read more of his articles by visiting his website, www.higher-faster-sports.com. Please enter your email below to sign up for our FREE newsletter.
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Quick Tips from Kelly Baggett: Part 1

This week's contribution comes from Kelly Baggett, one of the most knowledgeable and versatile guys in the industry.  Kelly and I go back 6-7 years, yet he never ceases to amaze me with his creativity and ability to get results fast. 1.  It's been said that your muscles don't know how much weight you're lifting; they only know tension.  This is true.  I can also assure you that your joints DO know how much weight you're lifting and will eventually let you know about it if you train heavy enough for long enough.  The large majority of people over the age of 65 have some degree of "wear and tear" arthritis.  That's without subjecting their joints to 45 years of heavy weights.  Keep that in mind if you want to be just as active at 75 as you are now.  For optimal long-term joint health, not only should you pay close attention to structural balance, but in my opinion, the majority of the time you shouldn't be lifting anything that you can't lift with a two-second pause at the hardest part of the movement.  This will ensure you're directing tension to the muscles instead of the connective tissue.

2.  Anterior pelvic tilt is not necessarily the bad guy most people think.  From an athletic standpoint, you won't find many fast and explosive athletes without a propensity to have some degree of anterior pelvic tilt because it puts the hamstrings at a leverage advantage.  In contrast, you probably won't find ANY top-flight athletes with posterior pelvic tilt.  You rarely hear anyone talk about posterior pelvic tilt and weak hip flexors but it is common enough, particularly in women.  Posterior pelvic tilt (also called flat back posture) results in weak or lengthened hip flexors and can also be caused by tight abs and glutes.  Don't assume you need lots of psoas hip flexor stretching until you've verified that you do in fact need it.  Here's what flat back posture with posterior pelvic tilt looks like:

3.  Insulin sensitivity is kind of overrated for fat loss and a lean body.  A certain degree of insulin sensitivity is desirable, but, from a body composition perspective, being overly sensitive to insulin is just as bad as being insensitive to insulin.  As a "storage" hormone, improved insulin sensitivity allows the body to better store ingested nutrients both in muscle AND fat cells.  Insulin sensitivity improves as one gets leaner and leaner.  That's one of the reasons it gets harder to shed fat when one is much leaner.

In a given group of people, you can predict future fat gain by measuring both the sensitivity to insulin and the amount of insulin produced in response to a given amount of carbohydrates.  The fattest populations of people and the fattest adults will be very sensitive to insulin at an early age.  In contrast, insulin resistance could be looked at as a way the body tries to rid itself of excess nutrition.  The body senses nutrient excess and inhibits storage. Providing they exercise, an insulin resistant person will tend to have an easy time shedding fat and building muscle because the exercise increases storage capacity in the muscles at the expense of fat cells.  That's one reason why people with more fast twitch muscle fibers have an easier time getting and staying lean, even though they are naturally more insulin resistant than those with more slow twitch fibers.

The take-home point?  When trying to drop fat, it's not a bad idea to intentionally manipulate insulin sensitivity...in a NEGATIVE direction.  You can do this by ingesting caffeine and other stimulants and by following a low carb diet.

4.  There is actually less stress absorbed into the foot WITHOUT shoes than with shoes.  Remember that the next time you decide to treat your feet to a huge pair of cinder blocks – otherwise known as basketball shoes.  One of the easiest ways to improve movement efficiency and coordination is to get a hold of a pair of Nike Frees and/or train barefoot on grass.

5.  Look at the wear on your shoes.  If they're worn more to the inside you probably have pronated feet (you walk on the insides of them).  If they're worn more to the outside you probably have supinated feet (you walk on the outsides of them).

Stand with your feet about 12 inches apart and look straight ahead.  Hold this position for a few seconds while you take note of how your weight is distributed over the soles of your feet.  Now tip your pelvis forward slowly so that you assume a Donald Duck-type posture with your chest up and backside stuck out behind you.  Note how your weight shifts forward and toward the insides of your feet. Now slowly roll the pelvis backward until your rear end is tucked underneath you.  You should notice that your weight moves backward and toward the outside of your feet.

What you have just proved is that anterior pelvic tilt (rear stuck out) will produce pronation and posterior pelvic tilt (rear tucked under) will produce supination (rolling outward of the foot).  If you have pronated feet it's usually a good idea to stretch the hip flexors and strengthen the glutes.  If you have supinated feet it's often a good idea to strengthen the hip flexors and lower back while stretching the glutes.

About Kelly

Kelly Baggett is a sought-after performance and physique coach from Springfield, MO. He has authored three books: The No-Bull Muscle Building Plan, The Vertical Jump Development Bible, and The Ultimate No Bull Speed Development Manual.  You can read more of his articles by visiting his website, www.higher-faster-sports.com.

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One-Sided Back Pain

Before we get to the content, I wanted to quickly pass along a few announcements:

1. I just confirmed that I’ll be speaking at a seminar in Montreal, Quebec on October 20-21.  Three other speakers have already been confirmed, and the organizer is waiting on a fourth. Trust me – with these names, you won’t be disappointed!  Keep an eye out for more information in upcoming newsletters.

2. Through Thursday at 7PM, Nate Green’s Standing on the Shoulders of Giants will be on sale for $49 (regularly $97).  I contributed a bonus interview on this collection of interviews with some very knowledgeable industry veterans, and anyone who considers himself an “up and comer” in the business would be wise to purchase a set.  Check it out: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants.

Now, to follow up on my newsletter from earlier this week, here are random thoughts 6-10 from me.

6. Incorporate posterior capsule stretching in overhead throwing athletes.  There is considerable research demonstrating that glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) is highly correlated with shoulder injuries in overhead throwing athletes.  Incorporating a very simple sleeper stretch daily can dramatically reduce the risk of shoulder problems in such athletes; if you aren’t including this stretch in your program, you shouldn’t be allowed to train overhead athletes!

7. One-sided back pain is almost always related to a lack of hip external rotation and hip extension range of motion.  If your hip doesn’t externally rotate sufficiently, you’ll compensate by rotating more at your lumbar spine.  If you don’t have terminal hip extension (thanks to glutes that actually fire), you’ll compensate with lumbar hyperextension.  Extension-rotation syndromes are a good 80% of lower back problems.  Work on hip mobility and stabilize the lumbar spine, and you’ll be golden.  Aggressive soft tissue work with the foam roller and lacrosse ball is useful on the TFL/IT band, quads, adductors, piriformis, and gluteus medius.

For others, the rotational deficit will be in internal rotation.  Know how to assess both and you’ll be able to head off problems before they set in.

8. Direct training for the subscapularis is a commonly overlooked training initiative that can yield tremendous results.  This is especially true in the aforementioned overhead throwing athletes who have tightness in the posterior capsule.  This is also a common problem in those who have noteworthy amounts of scar tissue on pectoralis major - and this is often exemplified when someone has an uneven lockout while bench pressing.  When infraspinatus and teres minor are doing a lot of work and getting scarred up as a result, you know that there is a good chance that the subscapularis isn't doing its job in depressing the humeral head.  Run a lift-off test to check subscap function, and then correlate your findings with scar tissue in the posterior capsule. My favorite exercise for improving subscap function is the prone internal rotation; you can find a video HERE.  Avoid the common substitution patterns of flexing the wrist, anteriorly tilting the scapula, and extending the elbow.  Think 90/90 in terms of shoulder and elbow angles. 9. Vanilla protein powder is really versatile.  I'm far from a gourmet chef, but I've come to the conclusion that if I put Vanilla Metabolic Drive in a blender with some ice and water, I can make pretty much anything taste tolerable.  Yesterday, just for the heck of it, I used spinach, broccoli, and blueberries - and I didn't even need to pinch my nose to drink it.  I guess you could call that the lazy man's Greens Plus... Of course, you could always pick up a copy of Precision Nutrition, which includes the Gourmet Nutrition cookbook, and actually make it taste good. 10. The rhomboids aren't as innocent as you think.  Typically, the rhomboids are "tossed in" with the lower and middle traps as the "good" scapular retractors.  In reality, with the line of pull of the rhomboids, you basically have a muscle group that in many ways parallels the function of the upper traps - which we know contribute to scapular dysfunction and shoulder, upper back, and neck pain. I've seen a lot of upper body problems resolve with dedicated soft tissue work - both in the form of massage and rolling the upper back with a doubled tennis ball (masking taped together) - on the rhomboids. We'll be back next week with more expert tips!  Until then, train hard and have fun! All the Best, EC
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10 Weight Training Tips

A while back, I wrote “40 Random Thoughts,” and it turned out to be one of my most popular articles to-date.  In it, I wrote:

Perhaps it's because I read so much or simply because the majority of my time is devoted to training and nutrition, but I've always got about a million loosely-related things bouncing around in my head.

Some might think that this is a bad thing, as I'd be too distracted to accomplish anything. That couldn't be further from the truth, though. In fact, I honestly think that it allows me to see important relationships — finding kinetic chain compensation patterns; correlating injuries with dysfunction; and considering interactions between training, nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle — that might otherwise be overlooked.

As I thought about the popularity of that article, I couldn’t help but wonder if some of the industry notables with whom I speak on a daily basis have some great stuff along these lines rattling around their brains on a daily basis – so I asked them!

In each of the next several installments, you’ll hear over random tidbits (over a hundred in all) from various specialists in the “biz” in their areas of expertise.

This week, I’ll get the ball rolling with ten of my own.  Here are the first five:

1. Footwear – or lack thereof – is one way to change the training stimulus.  I’ve written quite a bit about how all my athletes and clients do their warm-ups barefooted, but I think that we really have four primary stimuli from which to draw.  The majority of our weight-room training should come from the first two categories:

a. Barefoot

b. Flat-soled shoes: Chuck Taylors, wrestling shoes, Nike Frees

c. Elevated: cross-trainers, running shoes

d. Ultra-elevated (use sparingly): Olympic lifting shoes

We spend a lot of time discussing sets, reps, rest intervals, and the like – but nobody really ever pays attention to how footwear can alter a movement – just like grip width or thickness, or hand/foot position.

2. Use a neutral grip for easy transition to powerlifting style benching.  Many people struggle with making the switch from “bodybuilder-style” (elbows flared) bench pressing to a more shoulder-friendly “powerlifter-style” (elbows tucked) bench approach.  You can easily expedite this process by doing all your bench assistance pressing with dumbbells using a neutral (palms facing-in) grip.

3. Try Lynx Grips.  These are awesome implements for three main reasons.  First, they’re a portable thick bar that you can take anywhere.  Second, making a barbell or dumbbell mechanically wider can distribute forces on the wrist and hand more evenly, providing less stress to those coming back from upper extremity injuries.  And, third, these implements are a great alternative to gloves for women who want to avoid calluses, but don’t want to lose their grip on the bar.  Use one as a substitute for gloves, and two on top of one another to create a great thick handle.

4.  In an untrained lifter, deadlifts are a guaranteed 15 pounds of muscle mass.  Think about it: you’re using your entire upper back, glutes, hamstrings, core musculature, and forearms.  If you haven’t done anything with these muscles before, they’re going to get bigger quickly.  Put 100 pounds on a newbie’s deadlift and you’ll bump him up a shirt size in no time.  This principle can also be applied to experienced lifters who haven’t deadlifted in the past; leg curls just won’t get the job done to the same extent that heavy deadlifts and rack pulls will.  For added upper back emphasis, try snatch grip versions.

5. Don’t force clean-grip front squats on anyone.  I’ve seen athletes get great results on front squats with using the cross-face grip and modified clean grip with straps – neither of which place undue stress on the wrists of unprepared individuals.  This, in my opinion, is just one of those “do what feels right” issues.  Don’t be so quick to throw the cross-face and modified clean grip with straps (photo credit to Mike Boyle) under the bus; we aren’t squatting for wrist performance!  If you’re comfortable with the clean grip and have the flexibility, though, by all means, go for it.

We'll be back in a few days with tips 6-10 from me.  For now, I'm off to the new facility to train athletes amidst the renovation madness!

All the Best, EC
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Cressey Performance’s Facilities

I know I’ve been a bit out of the loop of late, but I’m happy to report that it’s been for a good reason.

On Friday, July 13th, I officially made the move to open my own facility.  Since my return to Boston last year, business has taken off like I couldn’t possibly have imagined, and it was time to go for it.  While we’re still making a ton of renovations and some of the equipment purchases won’t arrive for another few weeks, Cressey Performance is already in full-swing; my athletes and clients are practically kicking the door down.

Located in Hudson, MA, the facility is roughly 4,500 square feet, including:

-Roughly 2,500 feet devoted to strength training equipment

-a 40-yard straightaway for sprinting (soon to be turf)

-roughly 1,000 feet of open space for movement training

-two offices

The facility itself is a subdivision of a 16,000-square-foot space we’ll be sharing with America’s Pastime, a baseball training facility that has eight batting cages and two pitching mounds.  I work with a ton of baseball guys, so we’ve basically created a place where they can hit, throw, sprint, and lift all in the same trip.  We’re also exploring the possibility of a second smaller location closer to the city where I can work in a more individualized context with my higher-level athletes.

I consider myself really fortunate to have onboard two guys – Pete Dupuis and Tony Gentilcore – who will be great assets for years to come.  We’ll be dealing with a ton of young athletes, and both these guys have a lot of experience with that population (Pete has coached high school soccer for five years, and Tony is still certified as a teacher in NY state).  Pete will be handling the business side of Cressey Performance so that Tony and I can focus on our strengths: coaching athletes and helping people to achieve their fitness goals.

Logistics aside, I have to get a bit sentimental here and say that having my name on a facility like this means more than you can possibly imagine.  Many of you know that I went through some tough times years ago because I was a young athlete who never had guidance in terms of training and nutrition.  I really could have used a place like this years ago.

I’ve coached professional and Olympic athletes, set world records in powerlifting, published two books, created nine DVDs, written over 200 articles, and spoken all over the US and abroad, but the truth is that all of that doesn’t even feel remotely significant when I think about the difference Cressey Performance will be able to make for thousands of young athletes in the years to come.

When I go back to my hometown of Kennebunk, ME and see generations of students and parents raving about what a difference my mother (a local teacher) has made in their lives, I can’t help but think that it would be a great position for me to be in 25 years from now.  In the context of our industry, Mike Boyle is a perfect example of what someone who really cares about his athletes can do over an extended period of time.  I consider myself very fortunate to have guys like Mike, Alwyn Cosgrove, Dave Tate,John Berardi, and Jason Ferruggia as friends and mentors; this certainly would never have come to fruition without them.

I want to take a moment to thank two vendors – Perform Better and Elite Fitness Systems – for all their help in pulling this thing together on such short notice.  You won’t find better service anywhere.

As it’s the season of physique transformations, it seems only fitting to post a “before” picture of my own…own FACILITY, that is.  Here's what the place looked like on Saturday morning, July 14.  The place already looks dramatically different, and we'll have more up-to-date photos for you very soon.

It’s been an incredibly busy and exhausting three weeks thus far, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to all of you readers and customers for helping me (in one way or another) to get to where I am today.  Thanks for your continued support, and my apologies for being out of the loop as we’ve worked to pull this all together.  Please keep an eye out for the official launch of www.CresseyPerformance.com – and information on a grand opening.  Renovations should be complete early next week, with the remainder of our equipment arriving by the end of the month.

In the meantime, you can support the cause by picking up a Cressey Performance T-Shirt from our PRODUCTS page.

Some other quick notes:

-A huge thanks goes out to everyone who attended my Program Design workshop at Equinox in NYC on July 22 (yes, I really went to New York amidst all this).

-My co-author Matt Fitzgerald and I just submitted a new book to our editor at Avalon Publishing; it’ll be released in the Spring of 2008.  I’ll be filling you in on more details soon.

-I highly recommend you check out a great interview with Dr. Jeff Volek at T-Nation.  I was fortunate enough to study under Dr. Volek (among others) at the University of Connecticut, and he’s absolutely brilliant.  You won’t be disappointed with this interview.

All the Best,


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Newsletter #63

EC on the Fitcast

I didn't realize it had been over a year since my last appearance on the Fitcast, and given what an eventful year it's been, there was plenty to talk about!  We spent a ton of time talking about training baseball guys; correcting shoulder and knee problems; and mobilizations for those who spend too much time at computers.  Check out the free audio interview HERE or download at thefitcast.com. Also, for those who are curious about the old newsletter interview with Mike Stare that I referenced in this interview, you can find it HERE.

More Feedback on Muscle Gaining Secrets

In my newsletter last weekend, I talked about how impressed I was with Jason Ferruggia's new e-book.  However, that was only after I reviewed it - not after I had actually had the chance to test it out on some of my younger athletes.  Many high school guys are notorious for undereating and shortchanging their training efforts, so I printed out a copy of the "High-Powered Nutrition" component of the e-book package and had them look it over.  The two guys to whom I showed it both commented that it was really user-friendly - and I got the following email from one of their parents that same night: "Eric - I just got home and noticed a pile of plates in the sink with remnants like cottage cheese and eggs on them.  You know how to motivate the kid." Jay's been training athletes for years, and he knows how to cut through the BS with his writing and nutrition recommendations - and feedback like this shows me that his new products are going to be a huge help with my scrawny young athletes.  For more information, check out Muscle Gaining Secrets.

NYC Seminar Update

Just a reminder that I'll be in New York City on Sunday, July 22 for a seminar at Equinox.  For more information, please email Geralyn Coopersmith at gcoopersmith@equinoxfitness.com.  Hope to see some of you there!

Blog Updates

We're still updating on a daily basis with the blog, so if you haven't checked it out recently, head over to www.EricCressey.Blogspot.com to catch up on things. All the Best, EC
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Muscle Gaining Secrets

First off, I want to apologize for the delay since our last newsletter.  Since the high baseball playoffs and school year ended, the athletes have practically been kicking the doors to the gym down!  Of course, I’m not one to shy away from a motivated athlete – and to that end, I’ve brought work home with me as well.  Right now, a member of the US Skeleton Team is crashing on my couch for the week while she gets some training in here in Boston!  Toss in the final edits and photo shoot on our book deal with Avalon Publishing (to be released early next year), and it’s shaping up to be a busy summer.  But, the Cressey Performance Newsletter show must go on - even if it means I'm sending it out on a Sunday afternoon!

Congratulations to Kevin Scanlan

Cressey Performance athlete Kevin Scanlan of Lincoln-Sudbury capped off his state championship year by winning the Massachusetts State Player of the Year from the Boston Globe.  Additionally, Kevin was selected to the Boston Herald All-Scholastic team, and has been named a Louisville Slugger All-American Honorable Mention.  Kevin finished the season 12-0 with nine shutouts and 0.14 ERA – and he’s already hard at work preparing for fall-ball at the University of Maine.

The Lincoln-Sudbury baseball team finished the year at 26-1 with a #6 ranking in USA Today East Region.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

Given my crazy schedule, I think I might be the last guy in the world to review Jason Ferruggia’s newest product after he sent it my way last week, but I wanted to throw Jay a quick thumbs-up on a job well done.  Muscle Gaining Secrets is a product that absolutely every beginning lifter should be required to own.  When I think back on all the money and time I wasted on silly supplements, garbage muscle magazines, worthless exercises, and terrible training programs, I can’t help but want to beat my head against a wall.  Among the items I liked the most about Jay’s e-book and the several accompanying bonuses:

-Easy-to-understand approach to carb cycling

-Very thorough Q&A

-Good individualization for those everyone from the absolute beanpoles to those who tend to store fat easily

-Cuts through a ton of supplement hype and tells you which few are worthwhile

-Excellent Interview with Keith Scott about preventing and correcting imbalances

-Fantastic Interview with Jim Wendler on everything from training techniques, to programming strategies, to attitude adjustments

Jay includes a ton of sample programming and a straightforward approach to explaining the why and how instead of just the “what.”  If you’re just getting started and are in need of direction – or you’re trying to get from that intermediate to advanced stage – this e-book is a great option for you.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

Perform Better Tour Wrap-up

Last Sunday marked the final stop on the 2007 Perform Better Tour: Providence, Rhode Island.  It was a great opportunity to catch up with various friends in the industry and dozens of longtime readers.  I want to take this moment to thank everyone who made the trip out for my speaking engagements in Atlanta, Chicago,and Providence.  Chris Poirier and the Perform Better crew earn my highest praise for putting on some tremendous events with outstanding attention to detail.  I highly recommend you checking out the tour next year; I know that I can’t wait to go back on the road with it!

Also on the Seminar Front…

I’ll be giving a one-day program design workshop at Equinox in New York City on Sunday, July 22nd.  Limited spots are available, so don’t delay in contacting Geralyn Coopersmith for more information at Geralyn.Coopersmith@equinoxfitness.com.  Hope to see you there!

New Article and Contribution

For those of you who aren’t looking to pack on slabs of muscle, here are a few other options for you:

Weight-Room Movements for Cyclists: Part 3 (by me)

You Can’t Run in These, Girl! (great review of what high heels do to your body, by Yael Grauer)

We've also been updating daily with the blog at www.EricCressey.Blogspot.com, so be sure to check in frequently for Q&A, updates, training videos, and random diatribes!

All the Best,


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  • Avoid the most common deadlifting mistakes
  • 9 - minute instructional video
  • 3 part follow up series