Building the Elite Pitcher

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Back in December, I was honored to be included as one of several speakers who presented at Ron Wolforth’s 2009 Ultimate Pitching Coaches Bootcamp.  As was the case in previous years, it was a great event that brought together a lot of forward-thinking minds from various roles in the pitching world.  Today, I’m happy to announce that I’ve arranged for a sweet deal on the DVDs of the event for my readers only.

Since I was a presenter and Ron’s a good friend of mine, he agreed to let me make the DVDs available to my readers at $50 off the normal purchase price.  All you need to do is click through the following link, and the discount will automatically be applied at checkout:

My presentation, Whip: What it is and how to get it, lasted 75 minutes and covered:

-The stretch-shortening cycle: what it means to pitchers and how to get the most out of it

-How different pitchers throw hard via different mechanical, flexibility, and strength/power factors

-How to identify and address mobility and stability deficits in pitchers

I also gave a 30-minute hands-on session on foam rolling for pitchers.

In addition, there were several other fantastic, informative – and sometimes controversial – presentations from Phil Donley, Neiman Nix, Wes Johnson, Brent Strom, Flint Wallace, Aaron Weintraub, and, of course, Ron Wolforth.  I love the fact that this event always covers everything from physical therapy/injury prevention, to physical preparation, to mental preparation, to mechanics, to structuring practices, to pitch sequencing.


Fortunately, the 150 coaches in attendance aren’t the only ones who will get to experience this event, as the entire weekend was recorded.

So, whether you coach, rehabilitate, or train baseball athletes, this is a great resource that you’ll find yourself looking back to for years to come.  I know I put a ton of time into my presentation and did my best to load as much information into it as possible – so you have my word that it’ll be worth it.

Here’s the link again:
