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Children and Elite Athletes: Similar but Different

Written on May 20, 2007 at 11:42 pm, by Eric Cressey

Just like kids need to learn to ride a bike or read, they need to learn how to use their bodies properly; this is really the premise behind training. Training can improve reaction time and enhance functional capacity, so your athlete can move faster and more easily. And, a solid exercise stimulus can build bone density, decreasing osteoporosis risk down the road. Improving athleticism through training also has amazing effects on a young athlete’s confidence, and research has shown that athletic success has a favorable effect on your sprinter’s classroom performance.

Unlike elite athletes, kids are growing and not all activities are appropriate for them.
This is true for all types of sport, whether recreational or competitive. For kids, injuries at young ages can have long-term impacts on their adult lives. A child’s nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones respond identically to that of the elite athlete – just not necessarily on the same level.

Eric Cressey

Train your athletes right.

One Response to “Children and Elite Athletes: Similar but Different”

  1. Mehdi Says:

    There’s this common myth that weight training will prevent kids from growing.

    I’ll let my kids squat as soon as they turn out 6. Learn them perfect technique, don’t go lower than 5rms, let them do this for years.

    Will make them healthy, build discipline, give them a hobby. And yes, they will continue to grow.

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