EC Finally Understands Women

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Of course not – but, at least the title caught your attention!

Truthfully, as my fiancee can attest, I don’t understand much about women, but I do know a bit about training them.  In fact, I devoted my entire 100th newsletter to this topic; you can check it out HERE.  And, I’ve watched this scene at least 147 times, taking careful notes each time, so I think I have all the relevant anatomy covered.

At risk of digressing, though, the main purpose of this blog post is to give my local female readers a heads-up on a new offering at Cressey Performance: the CP Women’s Training Group.  In case you find me to be boring in describing it, check out Tony Gentilcore’s blog from the other day, as he goes into more pertinent and impertinent detail.  Here’s the basic idea:

1. Women gather at CP to commence training twice a week for 75 minutes per session (or however long it takes to achieve uber-awesome status for the day; we really aren’t that picky with time).


2. Prior to said training, women go through a series of flexibility and stability screens, and technique instruction – and are given individualized programming.

3. During said training, women not only get leaner, stronger, and healthier, but also get nutrition education – and generally, at least one or two rants from Tony on what the latest made-up media garbage is with respect to fitness.

4. Said women leave said training happy.  They may even make new friends and opt to pose in front of the CP logo, engaged in a collective smile.


In addition to our previous female clients, we’ve already got several ladies started up, including some of the CP athlete Moms who thought we were all about only baseball training baseball players.  Truth be told, they’re getting stronger, leaner, and healthier already, and pretty soon, they’ll be throwing dirty fastballs, too (okay, I’m kidding about the last part).

For more information on the group – including a cool one-time only start-up special, drop my business partner Pete an email at, or give us a call in the office at 978-212-2688.

PS – If you’re still hesitant, check out what some current clients have to say about CP (for the record, they encouraged us to post their ages; we aren’t that insensitive):

“I have trained with the CP team for almost two years now, and I can honestly say they are my favorite people to be around and train with.  They are all well educated in their fields of training, diet, and nutrition.  I travel over 45 minutes to Hudson to every Saturday to get my dose of informed training, humor, and camaraderie.  It’s a bit of a drive for me, but I do it because these guys are special.  I have never regretted the day I walked into CP and started lifting.  I would encourage any women out there, at any age, to do the same.”

Deb DiRocco, 50- Reading, MA

“When I began training at Cressey Performance my ultimate goal to was to “fit into my jeans.”  A year and a half later I have not only surpassed my goal, but have also discovered a newfound appreciation for weight training.  The staff at CP are always positive, energetic, and patient with every one of their clients (take my word for it!). “

Michelle Elwell, 32-Cambridge, MA

Again, that’s, or 978-212-2688.  Hope to see some of you at the facility!
