Energy Systems Development: A Presentation You Need to Watch
You know how everyone has that one friend who is just absurdly smart? You know, the kind of person who could hear something once, instantly remember it, and then instantly apply it in a productive manner?
Unfortunately, not all these people are all that motivated, so they may take their impressive ability to learn and leverage it to the max by studying everything they can get their hands on. However, when you do find one of them who is ultra motivated, you wind up with game changers. In our industry, guys like Bill Hartman and Charlie Weingroff are two that come to mind: quick learners who love to learn and apply.
That said, you can imagine my surprise and excitement when I realized that I had one of these in the making as an intern at Cressey Performance in the summer of 2011. You may have even heard of him by now: Eric Oetter. And, as this somewhat recent photo demonstrates, he’s only 13 years old.
Okay, the age was a joke, but the brain power isn’t. In addition to interning at CP, he’s also spent a lot of quality time at Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman’s facility in Indianapolis, and undertaken a bunch of continuing education coursework (PRI, DNS, and several other schools of thought).
That said, to make a very long story short, Eric’s making a name for himself in the industry – and as a little example of it, I’d strongly encourage you to check out this free video on Energy Systems Development he did as part of the pre-launch for Robertson’s Bulletproof Athlete resource. You’ll need to opt in to view it, but I guarantee you’ll find it to be well worth it.
In this presentation, Eric discusses a lot of the myths surrounding aerobic exercise and energy systems development. Most importantly, though, he provides practical recommendations to help you put this knowledge into action to improve your training programs, regardless of whether your goal (or your athletes’ goals). I learned some good stuff, and I’m sure you will, too. Here is the link to check it out.