Feedback on Maximum Strength: 9/3/08

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s a busy day at CP and I’ve got a big fantasy football draft tonight, but fortunately for me, Kevin Cox, age 36, of Denver, CO provided some good blog material for all of you:


Maximum Strength quickly become one of my favorite purchases. Personally, I felt you did a great job of detailing the why’s and how’s of your program. I found it refreshing to see a book that focused on performance and promised “hard work” rather than promise results in only minutes a day.

I was more than happy with my results after 16 weeks.

Body Weight: Pre 220lbs, Post 210lbs
Broad Jump : Pre 84″, Post 97″
Bench Press: Pre 230lbs, Post 265lbs
Squat: Pre 300lbs, Post 345lbs
3-rep Max Chin-up: Pre 250lbs, Post 265bs
Deadlift: Pre 340lbs, Post 405lbs

The mobility work and active recovery circuits were awesome. Toward the end of my 16 weeks there were times when I was feeling run down and I really believe staying on track with the circuits, mobility and flexibility work is what kept me in the game.

Pick up Maximum Strength for yourself.
