Five Random Thoughts from David Barr

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Soreness = Muscle Growth. In the 1990s, we “realized” that soreness is just a result of the muscle inflammatory response, and has little to do with actual growth. However, consider the following: if Arachadonic Acid (AA) is the fatty acid that gets converted to prostaglandins (PG) during inflammation:

a) Blocking the conversion of AA to PG prevents both soreness and muscle growth
b) Increasing levels of AA increases levels of PG, soreness, and muscle growth
c) The most damaging type of training yields the greatest soreness, strength and muscle gains

2. Short workouts aren’t as great as you think. In the late 1990, it became all the rage to keep workouts to less than 45 minutes. It was believed, based on scientific evidence, that training for longer periods would result in a temporary decrease in anabolic hormone levels. Now, we realize (irony intended) that the impact of acute hormonal regulation is minimal, and it is far better to have a stimulating workout – even if it takes longer.

3. Apparently, pre-training meals suck? In spite of the evidence to show that pre-workout meals result in the greatest observable increases in muscle protein synthesis (the acute measure of muscle growth and recovery), people still refuse to use them. Considering that they also provide a tremendous increase in blood flow during training, which every newbie seems to be after, shouldn’t everyone be using them?

4. Faith vs. Reason. People are going to believe what they want even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Sadly, this even results in people getting upset by the mere presentation of data that contradicts a belief. In the supplement world, if you add in the fact that the placebo effect accounts for >60% of the resulting effect, you’re just asking for people to freak out.

5. Protein Pulse Feeding. The idea of spiking blood amino acids with protein, similar to the way in which we spike insulin with carbs, is the most anabolic nutritional revolution since whey protein was developed. Protein pulsing: not just for post-workout meals!


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