Show and Go Training Review: The Way to Get Strong!

About the Author: Eric Cressey

There’s been a lot of buzz about my new strength and conditioning program, Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better, lately.

While this digital resource has been used by folks of all walks of life for everything from fat loss to athletic performance training , in light of an email I received the other day from my buddy, Kevin Neeld, I thought I’d highlight the strength increases aspect of things.  Kevin is director of athletic development at a strength and conditioning facility in Sewell, NJ – and I sent him an advanced copy of Show and Go.  Here’s what he sent me the other day:

“Eric, I wanted to let you know that I put our whole staff on your Show and Go program and the result [after just a month] has been:

Matt Siniscalchi-405 x 5 (Personal Record)

David Lasnier-385×5 (Personal Record)

Kevin Neeld-425 x 5 (Personal Record)

“I also front squatted 285 for 3, which is pretty good for me. Turns out your programs work! I’ve been pumping Show and Go‘s tires a lot around here since you launched it. Hopefully the program is getting the attention it deserves.”

Then, a day later, a few days later, I got another email:

“We just did the front squat 1RM test; here were some results:

David Lasnier – Front Squat (295 – PR)

Kevin Neeld – Front Squat (315 – PR)

“You should also know that David and I both tied/set PRs during our 1-RM bench press test too…but we were both SO sore from the previous upper-body lift that we didn’t even bother shooting film. I think we’ll both beat our previous bests by 10-15lbs in a couple weeks when you have the next 1RM built in.  Thanks!”

So, don’t miss out on the great opportunity to get strong with Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better.

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