The High Performance Handbook: Prize Winners, New Content, Live Q&A, and More Prizes!

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Yesterday, our High Performance Handbook launch prize winners were randomly selected and announced!  We gave away five CP t-shirts, three pairs of New Balance Minimus sneakers, and an all-expenses paid trip to Cressey Performance.  The winners were from four different U.S. states, Canada (2), England (2), and Australia (1).  We’re worldwide, people; thanks for your purchases and help in spreading the word!

With that said, though, with only 36 hours left on the introductory sale, I figured I’d sweeten the deal again.  And, everyone who has purchased thus far will be automatically entered to win one of these prizes:

1. ANOTHER all-expenses-paid trip to get evaluated and train at Cressey Performance.  It’s like this, but you’ll be surrounded by other clients who are all working hard like you will be! 

Again, I’ll cover all your travel and accomodations expenses, and the training will be on the house.

2. One of three free copies of my “Art of the Deload” e-Book.

3. One of three free online accesses to Mike Reinold and my new “Functional Stability Training of the Lower Body” online resource.

If you’ve already purchased, you’re golden.  If you haven’t, you’ve only got 36 hours left! 

Finally, in light of the busy launch week, I’ve got a few guest blogs that ran on different sites.  Check these two out:

Fitocracy: Single-leg Success Strategies Efficiency: Important for the Pros and the Joes

Last, but not least, Precision Nutrition’s Brian St. Pierre – who authored The High Performance Handbook Nutrition Guide – is going to be doing a live Q&A on my Facebook page at 3pm EST.  You can check it out and ask him your questions HERE.

There are only 36 hours left, so don’t miss out!  Click here to learn more about The High Performance Handbook!

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