Mastering the Deadlift: Part II

About the Author: Eric Cressey

You’d be hard-pressed to find a single weight-training movement that’s more “complete” than the deadlift. It’s not just an upper or lower back exercise, or a grip exercise, or a posterior chain exercise, or a core exercise; it’s an everything exercise. To that end, it’s a must-have in any lifter, athlete, or weekend warrior’s training arsenal.

Unfortunately, as with any compound lift, the deadlift can get pretty technical. If you’re going to be using big weights in hopes of getting big results, you need to make sure that you’re lifting with proper technique.

With that in mind, I’m first going to show the entire (conventional-style) movement in still frames, and then I’ll show it to you in video form at regular speed. Finally, I’ll come back and list the common errors that people make when deadlifting.

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