Maximum Strength Feedback: 1/20/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I was just checking in on how Maximum Strength is doing over at Amazon, and came across the following five-star customer review.  As the reviewer notes, sometimes you need to get outside your comfort zone – both in training and in life – to get to where you want to be.

“This book is a must-read. I heard a lot of hype about this book before purchasing, and I’m glad I finally bought it. I did the entire 4 month routine and honestly, my body feels better than it ever has in the past.

“I was used to the traditional bodybuilding bodypart split of chest on Monday, legs on Tuesday, Arms on Wednesday, etc etc. For years, I just accepted that this was the way to train your body. I just dealt with back pain and shoulder pain as part of the “price of working out.” Doing 5 exercises for your back in one day, and 5 exercises for your shoulders in one day is the absolute wrong way to train your body, unless you are an actual bodybuilder, but for the average fitness enthusiast, that just doesn’t apply.

“Eric’s book outlines splitting your routines into upper body days and lower body days. The routines are easy to follow. Full detailed pictures, and explanations. One of the most important things he advocates is varying the rep range each week within the 4 week routine. You probably never have done any exercise of 8 sets of 2 reps or 10 sets of 3 reps. You have to keep in mind Eric is a Strength & Conditioning Coach with the goal of getting you stronger. I was hesitant, but you have to open your mind and try it.

“My body feels stronger, and more balanced. There are a few non-traditional exercises that you probably have never heard of, or are hesitant to try out. My advice would be to do everything in the book to a T. It works. You may be reluctant to do so much deadlifting and squatting. You may have never hear of scapular push ups, walls slides, face pulls, or behind the neck band pull aparts. Open your mind. Follow the routines exactly and you will be glad you did. I know I am. Your body will feel so much stronger, more balanced, and your posture improves. I hope this doesn’t sound like a 3 a.m info-mercial testimonial for the latest fitness product, because it’s not. I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Gym Rat who has been lifting for 11 years. Open your mind, try the routines, follow to a T. Your body will thank you.”

Click Here to Purchase Maximum Strength.

