Maximum Strength

About the Author: Nick Specter-Vlacic

Maximum Strength:

Get Your Strongest Body in 16 Weeks

with the Ultimate Weight Training Program!

“Eric Cressey’s cutting-edge four-phase program, featuring constant progression, variation, and inspiring goals, keeps you focused on increasing strength along with muscle mass, helping you achieve the fittest, most energetic, and best-looking body you’ve ever had – with fewer hours at the gym.”

Results speak much louder than words, though; featured below are testimonials from the initial group of nine “guinea pigs” for the program:

“One of my problems in designing workouts for myself was choosing the protocols. Strength, muscle growth, endurance, frequency, reps, sets, exercises, etc…there are just too many factors to balance, especially on top of a busy schedule. Too much of one thing usually resulted in an aching injury, or joint pain for a few days. Overtraining was common for me.

“I have to say that the best part about Cressey’s training system, in my opinion, is the balanced approach. I do not leave a workout feeling like I have pushed a muscle group beyond its ability to recover. And I like hitting upper and lower body twice a week. Training the ancillary muscles has kept me from having any aches or pains since starting the program. My shoulder has not hurt for months. My knees feel great. I feel like the exercises selected, the volume of work, and the mobility warm-ups are doing their job: keeping me healthy, in great shape, and in the gym.

“On the Maximum Strength program, I have actually improved all of my test numbers, my posture and joint health, and I feel stronger and healthier – all in spite of the fact that I’ve been busier at my job than ever before. I also feel that I look better than I have for many years. I was very happy with my results!”

Chris Paul – Danbury, Connecticut

Added five pounds of body weight, increased broad jump by six inches, box squat by 80 pounds, bench press by 30 pounds, deadlift by 50 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 10 pounds.

“The Maximum Strength program took me to the next level of performance with my lifting. After using a variety of programs focusing on fat-loss and hypertrophy and having limited results from them it was great to see such solid increases in strength and physique changes from the program. In addition, the program focus on dynamic flexibility and foam rolling has resulted in an injury free training cycle and major flexibility and posture improvements. I would highly recommend this program and book to anyone wanting to make real progress with strength, performance and body composition.”

Dan Hibbert – Calgary, Alberta

Increased body weight by 14 pounds, broad jump by seven inches, box squat by 80 pounds, bench press by 30 pounds, deadlift by 70 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 27.5 pounds.

“Bumps, bruises, dedication and commitment have lead to amazing gains in both strength and mobility. The Maximum Strength program is for anyone who has a desire to be better in their physical conditioning tomorrow than they are today. It is well written program that provides a variety of exercises and training parameters that keep you interested in going to the gym. Each month of the 4-month regime was a new break through and, in many cases, plateau-busting gains. Four months of your time is an easy investment to make in a program of this caliber.”

Gabe Wilson – Houston, TX

Gained 12 pounds, added 55 pounds to his box squat, 35 pounds to his bench press, 30 pounds to his deadlift, and 27 pounds to his 3-rep max chin-up.


About Maximum Strength:

-Co-authored by veteran fitness journalist, Matt Fitzgerald, who is renowned for his humorous writing style and ability to relate complex training strategies in simple terms

-4 progressive four-week phases designed to make you feel stronger and more athletic than ever before

-Each phase is complete with mobility warm-ups to keep you healthy and prepare you to train safely and effectively

-Recommendations for supplemental cardiovascular training based on YOUR body type

-Nutritional guidelines to follow to optimize performance

-A chapter on important considerations on how to plan your own future training

-Tips on mental preparation for training

-256 pages

-Over 200 illustrations to accompany in-depth exercise descriptions

-Foreword by world-renowned nutrition expert, Dr. John Berardi

“I’ve lifted for a long time now – but I have never trained until now. I was lifting like a bodybuilder to be an athlete and while it helped at first, it hurt in the long run. If I had this program when I was younger I think I would have been much better off. The mix of mobility and soft tissue work has helped me with all my old injuries and the periodization has helped me stay stronger for longer than ever before. The Maximum Strength program helped teach me a lot about how to train for a long-term goal and it will help me even more in the future.”

Ryan Gleason – Derby, Connecticut

Lost seven pounds and 4% body fat, increased broad jump by seven inches, box squat by 90 pounds, deadlift by 60 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 15 pounds.

“I was sick of messing about in the gym, changing programs every week to some different one I saw online, I was stuck on the same weights on the same lifts for ages. Eric’s program helped me focus on building strength, which has always been my main aim. I still play a lot of recreational rugby and I’m 100% certain that I’m stronger and better at it thanks to the program. Eric’s program covers all the bases: strength, conditioning, and mobility. I was extremely impressed.”

David O’Neill – Cork, Ireland

Gained five pounds of body weight while dropping body fat percentage, and increased broad jump by six inches, box squat by 55 pounds, bench press by 22 pounds, deadlift by 33 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 11 pounds.

What those “in the know” are saying about Maximum Strength:

“Eric does an outstanding job of pulling from multiple disciplines to maximize athlete performance. No fancy machines or gimmicks – just barbell, dumbbell, and body weight movements that are proven to be effective. Maximum Strength is a must-read for anyone serious about increasing their maximal strength and overall performance.”

Sal Alosi – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, New York Jets

Maximum Strength is a guide for those who truly want to make meaningful changes to their bodies. Eric Cressey has created a program that will challenge any individual to push themselves to levels they have never been before. In the years that I have known Eric, his goal to help people achieve maximum performance and get the most out of their bodies has never wavered.”

Michael Irr – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Charlotte Bobcats

Maximum Strength is a must-read for any person that is serious about changing their body. The easy-to-follow, detailed program is sure to deliver fantastic results!”

Shawn Windle – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Indiana Pacers

And for Those Looking to Drop Body Fat?

“To say that I was very pleased with the results of this program would be an understatement. The active recovery and stress management approaches always had me ready to go for the next training session, when in years past I was constantly feeling run-down and less enthusiastic about training. The mobility work really helped me improve my form. This program encompasses so much that is needed for proper training, yet manages to focus it all together to yield the best results I have ever experienced. Now, at the end of the program, I’m much leaner and the strongest I’ve ever been.”

Jeremy Lisenby – Rowlett, TX

Lost 2.5 inches off his waist, and added 6 inches to his broad jump, 30 pounds to his box squat, 15 pounds to his bench press, 40 pounds to his deadlift, and 12 pounds to his 3-rep max chin-up.

“Not only did I improve my strength on all major lifts, I also lost a significant amount of body fat and became much leaner in the process. My body composition progress became evident to me when I had to have my business suit pants taken in by a tailor (usually, the opposite occurs). Needless to say, I was pleased.

“One of the most significant changes I noticed throughout this program was my increase in mobility. When I woke up in the morning, I didn’t feel as stiff and creaky as I had in the past. I also didn’t take as long to get properly warmed-up before a workout. Overall, I just felt stronger and more focused.

“Finally, I would say that even during the tough days, and weeks, one of the motivators was that I knew the program was written by Eric. I’ve read his articles and witnessed the results he can get for his clients. Throughout the entire program, I felt confident that what I was doing was not only safe, but effective.”

Jake Chatterton – Onslow, Iowa

Lost 11 pounds while increasing broad jump by 19 inches, box squat by 50 pounds, deadlift by 15 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 10 pounds. Anytime you can drop significant amounts of body fat while actually gaining strength, you’ve done an awesome job!

So Who is this Cressey Guy, anyway?

Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS is the president and co-founder of Cressey Performance. Specializing in athletic performance enhancement and corrective exercise, Cressey is a highly sought-after coach for healthy and injured athletes alike from youth sports to the professional and Olympic ranks. Behind Eric’s expertise, Cressey Performance has rapidly established itself as a go-to high-performance facility among Boston athletes – and those that come from across the country and abroad to experience CP’s cutting-edge methods.

Cressey received his Master’s Degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science through the University of Connecticut Department of Kinesiology, the #1 ranked kinesiology graduate program in the nation. At UCONN, Eric was involved in varsity strength and conditioning and research in the human performance laboratory. He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

As an invited guest speaker, Eric has lectured in four countries and more than one dozen U.S. states. An accomplished author, Cressey has written three books and more than 200 articles, and co-created two DVD sets.

A record-setting competitive powerlifter himself, Cressey has deadlifted 650 pounds at a body weight of 174 and is recognized as an athlete who can jump, sprint, and lift alongside his best athletes to push them to higher levels – and keep them healthy in the process. His competition bests for the squat and bench press are 540 and 402 pounds, respectively.

Want to be More Athletic?

How does a 36-inch broad jump (standing long jump) improvement in four months sound?

“After four months, I am pleased with my results, but not completely satisfied because I know that the knowledge I’ve attained with this program will lead to continued gains for years to come. Did I get stronger? Absolutely! Do I want to continue? Most definitely! The program Eric has pulled together has inspired me to continue lifting, because it showed me results are possible if you put in effort. The program is the smartest and most fun I have completed. It’s been the best four months I’ve spent at the gym.”

Mike Czobit – Mississauga, Ontario

No change in weight, but increased broad jump by 36 inches! Also increased box squat by 40 pounds, bench press by 15 pounds, deadlift by 50 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 10 pounds.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Dr. John Berardi


Chapter 1: Why Stronger is Better

Chapter 2: Building Strength

Chapter 3: Maximum Strength Program Overview

Chapter 4: What to Expect

Chapter 5: Maximum Strength Warm-ups

Chapter 6: Phase 1: Foundation

Chapter 7: Phase 2: Build

Chapter 8: Phase 3: Growth

Chapter 9: Phase 4: Peak

Chapter 10: Nutrition for Maximum Strength

Chapter 11: The Muscle Between Your Ears

Chapter 12: Maximum Strength for Life

So with all this in mind, what are you waiting for?

Click here to order Maximum Strength for just $18.95 on our 100% secure server.

Don’t take it from me, though; take it from guys like Doug Adams who have experienced Maximum Strength first-hand:

“At the beginning of the Maximum Strength project, I had an idea of the type of training I wanted to do in the gym, but no concrete plan or ‘map’ for how to get there. I was completely clueless, which is why I volunteered to be a part of the test group for this program. I wanted to blindly follow a program from someone who knows what they’re doing. Do every workout, as written and on schedule, I told myself. Keeping to those words proved to be beneficial because I made great improvements in strength, technique, and most of all, attitude.

“With the attitude, there comes a sense of independence, almost to the point of non-conformity. Now I am coming to a stage in my lifting career where I am beginning to question what is told to me. I am asking myself “is this really the best thing for ME to do TODAY?” I am not going to say I have all the answers now, because I do not. I have been pointed in the right direction to where I want to go. If I happen to get a little lost along the way, I can always ask for directions.”

Doug Adams – Middle River, Maryland

Order Maximum Strength Now!

Gained 12 pounds and increased broad jump by seven inches, box squat by 25 pounds, bench press by 30 pounds, deadlift by 40 pounds, and 3-rep max chin-up by 22 pounds.
