Mike Boyle on The State of the Sports and Fitness Industry

About the Author: Eric Cressey

The newsletters for today and tomorrow consist of some outstanding stuff from two guys who really “get it” in our industry.  One of my biggest goals with this site is to make it a constant source of up-to-date, cutting-edge information – and that means that I’ll often refer you to great stuff from colleagues who can help you, too.

First up, I just couldn’t resist posting this link to an excellent interview with Mike Boyle on the “status quo” in our industry.  Mike’s had a lot of years “in the trenches” and has acquired a great perspective on training individuals of all ages, ability levels, and goals – and the business side of fitness. He talks about what separates good trainers from bad trainers, gives his honest appraisal of a variety of equipment, and the importance of a constantly evolving training philosophy. I’d highly recommend checking this out:

The State of the Sports and Fitness Industry


Tomorrow, we’ll have a great guest post from Tim DiFrancesco, a forward-thinking physical therapist with an excellent tip on improving shoulder function.

For now, though, check out Mike’s interview – and be sure to post your replies here; I’m curious about everyone’s thoughts!  On a semi-related note, Mike’s got a new DVD coming out soon that I’m sure won’t disappoint!
