Home Blog NESN Films Some of Kevin Youkilis’ Off-Season Training at Cressey Performance

NESN Films Some of Kevin Youkilis’ Off-Season Training at Cressey Performance

Written on January 12, 2011 at 7:57 am, by Eric Cressey

New England Sports Network (NESN) was at Cressey Performance the other day to check in on Kevin Youkilis’ off-season training and ask Youk some questions about the upcoming season.  As you’ll see from the training footage, Youk takes his off-season training at CP seriously and likes to work!

2 Responses to “NESN Films Some of Kevin Youkilis’ Off-Season Training at Cressey Performance”

  1. Brian Dunlap Says:

    Eric, I’m disappointed in you, buddy. Not once did they show footage of you yelling at Kevin, “It’s all you bro!”

  2. jack Says:

    Awesome stuff. Youk is my son’s role model and seeing him really do the things in the gym that he does is invaluable.

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