Warpspeed Fat Loss: The Proof is in the Pictures

About the Author: Eric Cressey

The Proof is in the Pictures

I consider myself really lucky to have several clients who are, well, over-the-top adherent.  These guys would eat dirt and do two hours straight of sled pushes if I told them that it’d make them leaner, stronger, and faster.

Now, a lot of these guys are up-and-coming baseball studs who dream of making it to the big leagues.    Occasionally, though, we get a guy who is just nuts for the sake of being diesel – even if it won’t benefit him financially or make him any more famous.

About six weeks ago, I used my weekly newsletter to highlight Warpspeed Fat Loss, a program from Mike Roussell and Alwyn Cosgrove that has yielded some excellent results since its introduction.  I immediately received an email from one of the Cressey Performance masochists who couldn’t wait to get a piece of the action.

An ex-Marine, Danny (age 35) now works in the financial investments realm at an internationally renowned firm.  As I’m sure you can imagine, work has been pretty turbulent and hectic over the past two months for him in light of the troubles on Wall Street.  However, to take things a few step further, he’s married with a two-year old daughter, and his wife is expecting another child.  So, we’re not exactly talking about ideal conditions from a time management standpoint for approaching an extreme fat loss phase.

However, we’re not exactly talking about a normal guy.  Danny feeds his rotweiler grass-fed beef and fish oil.  And, while we haven’t confirmed it, the entire CP staff is pretty much convinced that he eats nails and craps lightning.

So, electric farts and all, Danny undertook the Warpspeed Fat Loss program, lifting TuThSa with us and doing intervals MoWeFr at 5:30AM on his own.  I wrote the training, and he followed the diet to a “T” – thanks to his wife, who did all the cooking (jealous, fellas?).  In 28 days, he went from 217.8 pounds to 205.6 pounds – but the pictures tell the entire story.  The “befores” are on the left and the “afters” are on the right.

Now, my picture editing abilities leave a lot to be desired, but you get the point.  Still, a lot of you are probably wondering what I’m getting at with this.  Yes, Danny’s diesel.  Sure, Warpspeed Fat Loss is an awesome program – but I already told you about that a few weeks back.  And, it can’t be about me blowing sunshine up my own butt, as I just wrote the program and turned up the volume on the music; Danny did all the hard work.  And, frankly, I don’t really need to try to impress you guys, as you’re already subscribed to my newsletter; chances are that you might be under the impression already that know what I’m doing!

In reality, the main points I’m going to make will come in a second newsletter later this week – so stay tuned…

For more information on the Warpspeed Fat Loss, CLICK HERE.  I can’t say enough great things about it.
