Accelerated Muscular Development Review: Innovative AND Effective

About the Author: Eric Cressey

If you liked Maximum Strength…

Then you’ll love Jim Smith’s Accelerated Muscular Development.

I often get asked what would be a good program to use following the Maximum Strength program, and while my first answer is always a resounding Show and Go!  However, there is another excellent option out there for those who want to get outside the “Eric Cressey School of Thought.”   In creating Accelerated Muscular Development, Jim “Smitty” Smith did a fantastic job of introducing a thorough e-manual that includes strength training programming, flexibility training, nutrition, recovery protocols, and detailed explanations that put overly “sciency” concepts in an understandable and usable format.


Personally, I’ve always loved Jim’s innovation and willingness to think outside the box. If you ask him about what makes this program so good, though, here’s what he’ll tell you are the top five components of a successful program:

1. Comprehensive – A good resistance training program teaches you what to do from the moment you walk into the gym, until the moment you leave. It does not just provide you with the primary strength exercises and a rep scheme. A progressive strategy must be incorporated so that by the time you are ready for your primary strength exercises, you are warmed up and ready to go.

2. Education – Do not just follow any resistance training program you get out of a magazine or on an internet forum blindly. You have to make specific and informed decisions based on your individual needs. A good program teaches you so that you can make these decisions.

3. Instruction of Proper Form and Full ROM – The strength exercises in a good resistance training program are demonstrated with proper form and instruction. It is not enough to teach the deadlift by saying “pick the weight off the floor.”

4. Easy to Understand – The science behind building muscle and getting stronger is sometimes explained in a very complicated manner. These concepts are much easier to understand with visual diagrams and real world application.

5. Systematic Approach – A comprehensive strength program provides you with a systematic approach where each essential component is represented and input at the right times. This allows the lifter to make sure each activity is not forgotten or missed, which means he can concentrate on training.

I’d highly encourage you to check out this product if you’re looking for something new – and particularly if you enjoyed Maximum Strength.  For more information, visit

In the Trenches with Eric Cressey

I figured we’d go with a little change of pace this week and switch from written content to audio content, as Mike Robertson interviewed me for one of his recent newsletters.  Mike and I talk about everything from shoulder assessment, to the possible future of shoulder surgeries, to strength development, to what’s new at Cressey Performance, plus a whole lot more. You can listen to the entire audio interview HERE.  Enjoy!

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