Dieting Disasters Review

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Happy New Year, everyone.  I hope that 2006 was a great year for you, and that 2007 brings you nothing but the best.  We’ve got lots of exciting things in store here at in the new year, so without further ado, let’s get to the first of them: Newsletter 39!

Building the Efficient Athlete Update

Mike Robertson and I expect that our Building the Efficient Athlete DVD series will be available for sale within 7-10 days.  Due to factors outside our control, the editing and production process has taken a lot longer than we expected, but we’re confident that the finished product will be as beneficial to those of you at home as it was for those in attendance.  We’ve got some sweet bonuses lined up for this product as well.

This truly might be the first product that appeals to everyone in the industry – regardless of training experience.  Day 1 is packed with functional anatomy and static and dynamic assessment protocols.  Day 2 kicks off with an outline of our approaches to corrective exercise, and much of the rest of the day is devoted to troubleshooting common resistance training techniques.  So, if you’ve ever had questions about your deadlift, squat, lunge, bench press, or seated row form (among many others), this DVD set is for you.  In great detail, we discuss common problems, compensation patterns, and most importantly, how to fix them!

The 8-DVD set will be available at a substantial, exclusive, introductory discount to our newsletter subscribers, so stay tuned…


If you haven’t seen it already, I would encourage you all to check out Tony Gentilcore’s article that was published yesterday at T-Nation; it’s absolutely fantastic.  I know I’ll be printing it off for several of my clients!

Dieting Disasters

Contributor’s Corner: John Cowell

This week,  we have a submission from John Cowell, a great trainer based in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Check out Needs Assessment and Results.

That does it for this week’s update.  Again, Happy New Year!

All the Best,

