Newsletter #40

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’ll be in Atlanta this weekend for the Perform Better One-Day Learn-by-Doing Summit; if you’re in attendance, be sure to introduce yourself!  Now, though, it’s time to get to the good stuff.

A Special Offer from Zach Even-Esh

Last night, I did two phone interviews with Zach Even-Esh for his great website,  Zach brings a ton of enthusiasm to the table, and his Underground Strength Kit is a fantastic product that brings to light a lot of ways to make great gains training without fancy gym equipment – a theme that resounds with his website.  At the end of the interview, Zach mentioned to me that he was offering a awesome deal: a one-week trial membership at for only $1.  This is not something you want to miss, as you’ve got virtually nothing to lose; check it out now HERE!

New Article

On Friday, I had a new article published at  In case you missed it, check out Pressing and the Overhead Athlete.

Last, but not least…EC on Max-Out Radio

Last week, I sat down and chatted with Mike Roussell of Max-Out Radio about corrective exercise, training for athletic performance, lifting heavy stuff, the meaning of life, and the age-old question, “Where does a lap go when you stand up?”  Before I digress too much, check it out:

Expect to see an interview with Mike here in the not-so-distant future, too; he’s a really bright guy with a ton to offer (one more reason to check out the rest of his site).

When I return from Atlanta, I’ll be putting the finishing touches on a special compilation to celebrate the one-year anniversary of  This sweet (and completely free) resource will only be available to our newsletter subscribers.  Until next week, train hard and have fun!

All the Best,

