Building a Training Referral Network

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Building a Trainer Referral Network

As you can probably imagine, I am frequently contacted by individuals all over the country (and sometimes internationally) who are looking for qualified professionals in their neck of the woods.  While I do have a pretty extensive network of trainers to whom I can refer, I’m always looking to expand that network.  Often times, I’ll look directly to my database to see who on my newsletter subscriber list is located near the area in question.  The simple fact that someone is subscribed to my newsletter and reading my articles tells me that they’re doing a lot of things right as a trainer (namely, continuing education), so chances are that they’re one of the best in their geographic areas.

So, with that in mind, if you’d like to be considered for this, please send an email with your location to and we’ll get you updated in our database.  This tool is also useful for keeping our subscribers aware of seminars that might be taking place in their regions, so it’s certainly open to everyone.

New Article

Weight Room Movements for Cyclists: Part II is now available at; check it out!

Have a great week!

